Revision Tips for the Procrastinator |

Revision Tips for the Procrastinator

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2 March 2016

Last updated on 27 March 2017

Revision Tips for the Procrastinator

 So, you’ve decided to leave the studying until the last minute, bravo!


They say that "procrastination is the thief of time," but not to worry, there are still some study techniques to help you ace that test with flying colours, even on a serious time crunch!

girl studying

Let’s get down to business.

Know Your Syllabus
This is so important! You cannot study if you are not aware of you were learning throughout the semester. Remember, like students, teachers have an objective of educating students based on the curriculum and accomplishing achievements within students.

Make sure that you know the syllabus and the topics that will be mentioned in the test, and start from there.

Get Organized
Make a checklist with what you need to study and work your way using the checklist. This will help you determine what you want to learn first and what you will leave until the end, and will leave you with a structure that will give you ease of mind. At ExpatWoman, we recommend that you start with an easy subject and then go onto a more difficult subject. That way, you are able to balance the difficulty level within your work, to keep you motivated.

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Put Down Your Phone
We are in the digital age and everyone’s phone is an arm’s reach away. Turn your phone off and put it away, once you have completed a significant amount of study time, you can reward yourself with using the phone during your break time.

You Structure May Fall Out of Place
Sometimes in life, things happen that are beyond our control. Whether an emergency, or just sleeping in, don’t panic. Pick up where you left off with your studying, keep a positive attitude and adjust yourself accordingly in order to keep you going.

Read your notes out loud
You are not crazy if you need to think out loud. Make sure to continuously read out loud the things that you have learned, and continue to do this as part of your revision technique. This style of studying can help with making sure that what you have learned has been embedded into your head.

Check all your assignments
Your teachers won’t give you a bunch of irrelevant or random questions. Your test will likely be comprised of what you’ve learned (and have likely had assignments on). Go back to your assignments and projects and read them carefully to familiarize yourself with the material.

Take Breaks
When it comes to studying, you need to take regular breaks to keep yourself motivated. This is based on scientific research1 that proves that your brain works better with breaks than without. Give yourself a break, not every 10 minutes, but maybe every 50 minutes to an hour1.

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Eat Healthy
You don’t want to be sleepy and inattentive during the big exam day. Make sure you eat your fruits and veggies to ensure that you have all the proper nutrients to keep your body fueled and energized. The worst thing you want is a nasty cold or some sort of germy illness that throws off your bodily functions and distracts you from the task at hand.

The Night Before the Test
Don’t study into the wee hours of the night. Make sure to take the last few hours before bed off. Do something different, go for a walk, take a hot bath, watch television, do anything that will have you feeling relaxed and at ease. Your nerves will thank you during test time!

Those final few moments before the test are crucial. You must be mentally prepared and calm in order to deliver.  Did you know that Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of his university? Or that Steve Jobs dropped out of college because it was too expensive? Not that we are telling you to drop out, we are simply saying that success in an exam is an accessory to your success story – but it’s not your success story because not every success story is given due a well academic performance, so just sit back, take a deep breath and begin.

sources: 1