Child Psychologist recommendations |

Child Psychologist recommendations

Latest post on 09 September 2020 - 10:10
We almost started believing we are bad parents as we can't instill a positive attitude/positive thinking to our almost 9 year old son. His negativism is also impacting his self-confidence most of t...
Hi !!! I know it has been a while of your post but I would like to see if uou found a physiologist in Dubai to ceheck on uour son, I am on the same path with my daughter.
Latest post on 17 March 2016 - 13:55
barlas when I started having difficulty with my son, he was only 4 years old. I asked myself the same question and decided I'd rather see a psychologist and be told we're wasting our time, than to get a year or so down the track and wish I had started when I first had doubts. Four years later, we have been to see a great number of therapists (psychologists, psychiatrists etc..) and I can honestly say, the people at Camali Clinic (Healthcare City) have blown every other experience away. Dr Amber Sadiq, the practice lead is amazing, as are her support team. My son responded very positively to Dr Amber and to therapy with Adam (I know they have another male therapist there as well). They have a holistic approach and discuss each case as a team to determine the best treatment. They have restored my faith.
Latest post on 16 March 2016 - 14:19
Thanks a lot, all. AnonDubai, will check Dr Amy, we are clients of Dr Ahmed in FamilyFirst anyway. Thanks for recommending. Comp99, hopefully it is nothing. I have seen Saliha Afridi at our school, she was making presentation (can't remember what was the topic). Maybe will consider her as well if can't find anyone else. Nobbles, thanks a lot for your warm words. He has been like this probably all the time. But we know that we can do changes while they are young, otherwise we have a live example in our family (his aunt, my sister in law) who is just miserable, who sees world around her in gloomy colors. We don't want him to become like her. I am sure there are ways to change, at least a little bit. He is a happy boy in school but there are challenges like anywhere. We just want him to face challenges in a more manly manner, so to say.
Latest post on 16 March 2016 - 12:54
Sorry to hear you are going through this - it's stressful as a parent to see your child struggle. Has he always been like this? Is he happy at school? The other thing I was wondering is maybe that's just how he is? Some children aren't super enthusiastic and are more cautious in life and this may be regarded as negativity? Maybe he is worried about something? A suggestion might be to put a worry box in the house where he can post any worries without having to ask you face to face? I know that around this age, boys can start to develop a shyness and maybe this is affecting him? I just say this because in my family there are so many different characters and sometimes that is just who they are. I used to wonder why my son didn't have the 'grrrr rugby' attitude that most boys seem to have. My husband says that there are enough people like that in the world already and that there's nothing wrong with being more shy/mild mannered. I don't know the circumstances well enough to know whether you need to see someone but I agree, a mother knows best. If it's a sudden change then there's something up, if not, maybe it's just how he is or perhaps something that needs addressing now. I wish you luck and hope that both you and your son feel better.
Latest post on 16 March 2016 - 12:37
I would just say..go with your gut feeling about it. a mother knows! It might turn out nothing at the end but it never hurts to have a listening ear or a sound advice from a professional. I am of the belief that things don't go away on their own something needs to be done about them. We also struggle with different things with our kids just like all other parents out there and sometimes not having someone their to listen or guide, is quite overwhelming for me as a parent. I don't have a recommendation for a psychologist from a personal experience but i have heard loads of radio talks of Dr Saliha Afridi ( the lighthouse arabia) and i feel she would be my go to person if i ever needed help with something. Hope you find a good one.
Latest post on 16 March 2016 - 06:59
I can't answer your first question, but my answer to your second question is Dr. Amy Bailey at Kids First.
Latest post on 15 March 2016 - 20:13
We almost started believing we are bad parents as we can't instill a positive attitude/positive thinking to our almost 9 year old son. His negativism is also impacting his self-confidence most of the time and as a result his interests shrunk to the level when basically nothing interests him. We've been thinking about discussing this with a psychologist but somewhere deep inside hoping it would go by itself (aka procrastinating). But before really making an appointment, is it really something one would address it as a problem with a psychologist? If so, please please, recommend one.