Natural birth in Dubai |

Natural birth in Dubai

Latest post on 01 January 2011 - 23:35
I gave birth in November and delivered with Dr Braithwaite at American Hospital. I was keen to deliver naturally unless there was an emergency. After a 21 hour labour, she came in and calmly brought my baby in to the world. I was pleased that she let me go for so long. Towards the end, she said that if the baby did not come out in the next hour that it would have to be delivered by c-section. I think my little man must have heard her and decided to make his grand entrance!
Latest post on 01 January 2011 - 11:23
In addition to the others mentioned I can also recommend Dr. Helena Taylor. She practises out of the Sulaiman Al Habib medical center in healthcare city and delivers across the road in City Hospital. She seemed to be very pro natural birth and when I initially mentioned the possibility of an elective C-section (I was terrified of childbirth when first discovered I was pregnant) to her she made it clear (with a smile) that she was NOT in favour if not medically necessary. I ended up having a 100% natural birth with her and am really grateful that she didn't just jump to give me a C-section and encouraged me to go for antenatal classes and learn more about natural birth before making such requests! She seemed to avoid unnecessary interventions in general and in fact when I arrived at hospital in early labour and the midwives wanted to admit me she agreed to let me go home until I felt it was time to come back as that was what I wanted. I was never strapped to any monitors or IV drips while in labour (which I was worried about) and could move freely all the time as per my birth plan. And she was very welcoming to my doula. And throughout your pregnancy you can call her or SMS her at any time and she will talk to you and squeeze you into her schedule if necessary, I always felt 100% supported. If I were still in Dubai I wouldn't even consider another doctor if pregnant again.