PCOS Gynecologist
Hi Ladies,
Can anyone recommend a good Gynecologist specializing in PCOS. I was diagnosed a couple of years ago. I have visited more than 5 doctors but i feel they are more concerned about my losing weight than anything else yet they keep reminding how difficult it is to lose the weight. The first doctor i went to prescribed Yaz and Glucophage, I couldn't take glucophage for more that 4 months it was a daily morning sickness and night too. It affected my work so i had to stop. I later stopped yaz(after 1 year) trying to get pregnant but all the weight came at the same time. at the time i stopped taking Yaz i gained more than 7 kgs in a period of 4 months and i didn't change my diet at all.
PCOS has been very challenging to me, the unending mood swings, craving that never stop and now periods taking more than 7 days. The last doctor i went to told me it is normal to go in a period for more that 7 days since my period is irregular but it is worrying to me, the same doctor recommended bariatric surgery(i am overweight) which i found very strange at that stage because she did not bother to do any other tests apart from my telling her i had the PCOS.
I am really stressed because doctors are not really helping and also finding people with PCOS to share experiences with is hard.
I would like to see a more helpful doctor sooner so would appreciate all the recommendations.
Thanks in advance..