Add these to your next artsy day out in Dubai...
20 November 2018
| Last updated on 14 January 2020
Calling out to all art enthusiasts in Dubai
And you better get ready, because these new art installations will leave you gasping for air.
It’s no surprise that Dubai has a plethora of options when it comes to the artsy scene – and it seems as if a new museum pops open every other week.
And this is exactly the case, Dubai might be a melting pot of cultures but it’s also a serving tray of art, art and more art.
SEE ALSO: This New Dubai Museum Is Nothing Short of Edutainment
From the traditional to the contemporary to the outright bizarre artwork, there is absolutely nothing you won’t find in this small city we call home.
And it’s not unusual to be walking around the city only to find a splash of art on the walls or an art installation begging you to deconstruct its themes – from the graffiti in JBR, the traditional architecture in old Dubai to the art installations propped up at the Louvre museum in Abu Dhabi.
That's why your thirst for art is always covered no matter where you are in the UAE.
And don’t worry we’ve got you covered with what to add to your must-see-must-Instagram list of art in Dubai.
SEE ALSO: The Louvre Museum In Abu Dhabi: 7th Urban Wonder Of The World
So without further ado, here are the newest art installations that EVERY one in Dubai seems to be Instagramming right now.
6. A bunch of ol’ slippers
At first glance, you wouldn’t guess that this colourful blob is actually made up of slippers and wire.
Courtesy of Hassan Sharif, this conceptual art piece is new of its kind in the Middle East.
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Put together by the Emirati artist, Hassan Sharif, this art piece explores form, time social action and mathematical systems.
5. Ring, ring, ring
It might appear to be an optical illusion, but this is actually made up of several cylinders aligned close to each other.
This art piece, called “The Shortest Distance Between Two Points,” is part of a greater exhibition that looks at the space between two objects – from chalk lines, folding rulers and old letterheads are used to measure the space of the Trans-Arabian Pipe Line.
4. Fluorescent nature
A bit of a doozy when you stare too long at it, but this 3D and blacklight art piece just pops with life.
Might it be the black background or fluorescent paint – this installation of “Contrary Life – A Botanical Light Garden Devoted to Trees” will make every visitor admire the colours in awe.
This piece aims to highlight the relationship between the natural world and the aspects of a botanical garden – artificial or real.
3. Floating words
While you might think that these floating letters combine to make random words, however, this art installation comes together to form a speech.
Part of the Dubai Design Week, this piece was a huge hit amongst Dubai residents as it, even for a few moments, took them away from the chaos around them and had them focus on the letters and words formed infront of them.
2. A real-life Aurora
If you’ve ever seen an aurora on TV, this is the closest you’ll ever get to the real deal in Dubai.
Called the Waterlight, this blue light emitting interactive piece shorts elements of nature and creates an immersive experience for them.
The blue waves embody the visitors all around them and will definitely leave you with goosebumps.
1. Only red thread
Last but not least is THE most instagrammable piece of trending in Dubai at the moment.
This chaotic looking art piece is actually beautifully constructed with just red thread – as it takes over the entire room, you will instantly feel the impact the colour red has on the entire blank room.
And as the light makes its way through the spaces of the thread, you’ll be able to construct your own story of why the boat is there.