And much, much more…
14 December 2017
| Last updated on 14 January 2020
Al Qudra Lakes have become a popular go-to destination to spend the night or enjoying a barbeque with friends for residents of Dubai but that is all going to change.
New signboards have recently been installed at the famous destination banning activities such as camping, having a barbeque, lighting a bonfire and even walking your dog. Visitors who do not adhere to the rules will receive a warning and be fined Dh500 while repeat offenders will have their fine doubled.
Unfortunately, people do not clean up after themselves after visiting this beautiful landscape. They leave the place scattered with litter which poses a threat to the natural wildlife in the area and also damages the eco-system of the lake.
The Dubai Municipality tried to reduce the littering by adding more than 200 trashcans and hiring 20 cleaners for the area but even this didn’t help.
Officials said that over weekends they collect up to 2,000 bags of trash.
The following activities have now been banned at Al Qudra Lake
- Bonfire
- Camping
- Barbecuing/cooking
- Littering
- Dog walking
- Swimming
- Fishing
- Animal feeding
- Hunting/killing wildlife
- Entry of motorcycle and vehicles
- Cutting/removing plants