With the help of artificial intelligence of course…
20 November 2018
| Last updated on 14 January 2020
There will be no wiggle room for crime in Dubai over the next 13 years
For all the super obsessed AI fans in the UAE – this is the moment you’ve all been waiting for.
And for those who are scared of the future of AI – this is still a moment you will be thankful for.
Dubai Police, with the help of Artificial Intelligence, will be able to predict crime and traffic accidents by 2031 through data-analysis services.
These robotic advancements will help the Dubai Police fight crime in the city and hopefully avoid them in the future too.
“We are modifying out programmes and projects to reach the future by counting on AI in data analysis service by 2031. Our aim to create an innovative work environment and balance between AI and human resources,” Brigadier Al Razouqi said during his presentation at the 87th Interpol General Assembly in Dubai, Gulf News reported.
AI RoboCops are already fully functioning in Dubai Police stations and help walk-in customers get the correct help and information they need once they enter.
SEE ALSO: Eight Cool And Completely Autonomous Robots In Dubai
However, this is how it will aim to fight crime:
1. It will actually predict crime in Dubai
Through the use of Artificial Intelligence and data analysis, the Dubai Police will be able to predict actual crimes and traffic accidents through already recorded crimes and accidents.
As well as, taking the ideas and focused problems delivered by 1,300 official representatives from over 173 countries, 85 police chiefs and 40 ministers at the 87th Interpol General Assembly on global crime.
2. It will counter-terrorism in Dubai
One of the topics discussed in the assembly was the importance of countering terrorism in Dubai and abroad.
The Interpol’s database offered will help Police in stopping terrorist operations and be able to identify suspected terrorists from travelling further.
The AI software will do so by analyzing almost 43,600 foreign terrorist fighters and help Police counter their operations and apprehend them.
3. It will fight crime underwater
Another interesting aspect that was revealed at the assembly was a state-of-the-art SWATtactical diving suit that can be used in swat actions on sea and island areas.
According to the information released, the diving suit weighs 10kgs and is lighter than any normal suit by 70% than usual.
It will also allow divers to go 7 metres deep in the sea and help SWAT members reach their destinations much faster than ever before.
The suit is also designed in a manner to be removed within seconds – helping divers fight crime in a more efficient and timely manner.
By 2031, the Dubai Police aims to have 70 Policemen that are specialized in SWAT and 30 Policemen that are specialized in diving.
4. It will rescue the injured through a rescue sub
Another method of fighting crime will be thanks to a new search and rescue sub called the Mini-Rov ‘LBV300-5 underwater.’
It will be able to dive to 300 metres and rescue anyone or anything from the deep ocean waters with the use of its high-quality camera, sonar and light.
Just last month
Just last month, we reported the latest news from Dubai Police that made international headlines.
Dubai Police released amazing videos of their training on an actual hoverbikes, which allow them to hover over the ground and reach their destinations much faster.
- Tags:
- dubai police
- crime
- uae