Have You Seen the Police Drones Monitoring Social Distancing? | ExpatWoman.com

Have You Seen the Police Drones Monitoring Social Distancing?

Sharjah Police deployed these drones in 35 zones across the Emirate

Posted on

20 February 2021

Last updated on 21 February 2021
WATCH: The Sharjah Police Drones Monitoring Social Distancing

The police drones conduct patrols, broadcast key messages, and record live footage to the command room.

Sharjah's emergency crises and disaster team just teamed up with the Air Wing Department of the Ministry of Interior, to launch a large-scale campaign to raise public health awareness against COVID-19.

According to local news agency Wam, Sharjah Police deployed drones reminding the public about the importance of adhering to safety measures in order to help limit the spread of the virus.

The drones broadcast awareness messages in different languages, conduct air patrols to monitor the public's compliance with preventive and precautionary measures, and broadcast live footage streamed through to the Central Operations of the Sharjah Police.

They're already been deployed in 35 zones across Sharjah, including areas with industrial sites and mosques.

Messages include reminding the public to wear face masks, keep a safe distance, and to consider taking the free Covid-19 vaccine.

The campaign hopes to limit the continued spread of Covid-19, and preserve the health and safety everyone in the UAE.

Eventually, the police drones will also be rolled out in central and eastern regions.

UAE health officials reported 3,158 new Covid-19 cases, 4,298 recoveries, and 15 deaths.

As of Saturday February 20, the total number of cases in country are 368,175, out of which 356,013 recovered. The Coronavirus-related death toll is 1,108.