New Coronavirus Strain: List of Countries That Banned UK Travel |

New Coronavirus Strain: List of Countries That Banned UK Travel

These are the countries that have imposed new travel restrictions, in light of a new strain of Coronavirus spreading across Europe.

Posted on

22 December 2020

Last updated on 22 December 2020
New Coronavirus Strain: List of Countries That Banned UK Travel

The UAE has not issued a ban on travel from the UK, at the time of publishing.

A new strain of Covid-19 has been rapidly spreading in Europe, which was first identified in the United Kingdom. In response, UK authorities to impose a Tier 4 lockdown in London and southeast England, as well as tighten restrictions across England during the festive season.

The new mutating strain of Coronavirus prompted over 40 countries to suspend travel into their borders from the UK, as a precautionary measure.

What is the new mutating strain of Coronavirus?

The new mutating strain of Covid is reported to be 70 per cent more transmissible than other strains.

It has also been detected in parts of South Africa, the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia.

All are advised to avoid unnecessary travel into and out of the UK during this period.

Which countries banned travel from the UK?

  • Argentina (suspended until further notice)
  • Belgium (suspended until further notice)
  • Bulgaria (travel banned until January 31, 2021)
  • Canada (at least 72 hours)
  • Chile (suspended until further notice / travellers who have been to the UK in the past 14 days must self-quarantine)
  • Colombia (suspended until further notice / travellers who have been to the UK in the past 14 days must self-quarantine)
  • Czech Republic (suspended until further notice)
  • Denmark (banned air travel from the UK for 48 hours)
  • El Salvador (suspended arrivals from UK and South Africa)
  • Estonia (suspended until further notice)
  • France (banned air travel from the UK for 48 hours)
  • Germany (suspended travel between Germany and the UK/South Africa until further notice)
  • Hong Kong (temporarily banned all passengers who stayed in the UK for more than two hours in the past 14 days)
  • India (travel banned until the end of 2020. Passengers arriving from the UK before December 22 are required to take a Covid-19 test)
  • Iran (suspended travel for 2 weeks)
  • Israel (temporarily banned flights coming from the UK, South Africa and Denmark)
  • Italy (suspended until further notice)
Travel ban from the UK
  • Jordan (suspended until January 3, 2021)
  • Kuwait (suspended flights until further notice)
  • Latvia (suspended flights from December 21, 2020 to January 1, 2021)
  • Lithuania (suspended flights until further notice)
  • Luxembourg (suspended flights until further notice)
  • Morocco (suspended flights until further notice)
  • Netherlands (banned all flights coming from the UK, until further notice)
  • Oman (Oman closed its sea, land and air borders for 1 week starting Tuesday December 22)
  • Pakistan (suspended flights from the UK from December 23 - 30)
  • Peru (suspended flights from Europe for 2 weeks)
  • Republic of Ireland (temporarily banned flights from the UK from Dec 22 - 23)
  • Russia (closed flights to and from the UK for 1 week starting December 22)
  • Saudi Arabia (suspended all travel through its air, land and sea ports for 1 week, and may extended for another week)
  • Spain (refuse entry to travellers arriving from the UK starting December 22. Spanish citizens and residents are exempt)
  • Sudan (refuse entry to travellers arriving from the UK, Netherlands and South Africa starting December 23 for 3 weeks)
  • Sweden (suspended flights from the UK until further notice)
  • Switzerland (refuse entry to travellers arriving from the UK and South Africa, until further notice)
  • Tunisia (suspended all flights to and from the UK, Australia and South Africa, until further notice)
  • Turkey (suspended all flights from the UK, South Africa, the Netherlands and Denmark, until further notice)

Which countries have imposed travel restrictions?

  • Ecuador (travellers arriving from the UK, Australia, South Africa and the EU need to present a negative PCR test result taken 10 days prior to arriving in the country. They must also take an antibody test that will be provided at international airports)
  • Greece (7-day quarantine for all travelers arriving from the UK starting December 21)

At the time of publishing, UAE health authorities confirmed 1,077 new Covid-19 cases, 845 further recoveries and two deaths.

The total number of confirmed cases is now 194,652, out of which 169,840 recovered and 639 died due to Covid-related health complications.