This is How a Lack of Sleep Affects Your Skin |

This is How a Lack of Sleep Affects Your Skin - And What You Can Do About It

A new survey reveals the most common ways a poor night’s sleep alters our appearance

This is How a Lack of Sleep Affects Your Skin

All Credits: PA

We all know how it feels first thing in the morning when you’ve failed to get enough sleep the night before.

Grogginess, difficulty concentrating and a craving for caffeine or comfort food are all typical symptoms – and they can last well beyond midday.

SEE ALSO: These 5 Things Will Help You Get Better Sleep

Looking in the mirror only confirms our exhausted state, but according to a new study, the way sleep deprivation affects our appearance varies.

YourGoodSkin conducted a survey of 2,000 women and found that overall 70% of women say they notice a difference in their looks when they’ve not had a good night’s sleep.

More than half (56%) said they look ‘pale or washed out’; a third reported puffy looking skin; 20% said they are more prone to spots; and 10% said their skin feels more sensitive.

The research, carried out in partnership with experts from The Sleep School to mark the release of YourGoodSkin Cica Repair Sleep Paste, also found that the average woman gets just six and a half hours sleep per night, compared with the recommended seven to eight hours, with a fifth of those questioned getting five hours a night or less.

So why does not getting the requisite shut-eye affect not only the way we feel, but also how we look on the outside?

“The idea of getting your so called ‘beauty sleep’ has been around for centuries, but it’s only recently that we’ve begun to understand why,” says Dr Guy Meadows from The Sleep School.

“Sleep is when our skin cells actively grow and repair themselves in response to the wear and tear of the day.

“Scientific research now confirms that a lack of sleep accelerates the ageing process by reducing the time available for essential skin repair.”

In the same way your body feels tired after a lack of sleep, your skin needs rest, too, which is why it can appear less than perky when you don’t get seven or eight hours.

So what can you do about it?

“Making sleep a priority in our lives is essential for maintaining our mental, emotional and physical health, which includes keeping our skin healthy and balanced,” says Meadows.

“The good news is that this can be achieved by adopting simple habits such as going to bed and getting up at the same time everyday.”

This helps to programme your brain and internal body clock to get used to a certain routine, so you’re more likely to fall asleep at the same time each night.

“Have a good evening wind down routine to help prepare the mind and body for a good night’s sleep,” Dr Meadows adds.

The NHS recommends a number of activities to help you wind down at night: a warm (but not hot) bath, gentle stretching or yoga, a guided meditation, and writing a ‘to do’ list so that you get any distractions off your mind.

Reading a book or listening to the radio can also be relaxing, but it’s best to avoid TV for an hour before you go to bed.

Get the sleep

According to, the bright light emitted by a TV or computer screen fools the brain into thinking it’s still daytime and preventing the release of melatonin, the chemical which makes you fall – and stay – asleep.

So there you have it, follow these steps and hopefully you’ll get the sleep you need to look and feel good when morning comes.