It's most definitely been the year of the adult colouring book, but why all the fuss?
14 June 2016
| Last updated on 26 July 2017The books come in lots of different sizes, lengths and detail, all with fantastic and intricate designs that will take you hours to complete.
Despite the trendiness of the adult colouring book phase that has infiltrated everyone's bookshelf, there is actually a few very food reasons behind the madness. So much so, that if you don't already have one, we urge you to go and buy one and give it a go - you'll quickly find yourself relaxing and taking refuge from life's stresses.
SEE ALSO: Discuss colouring on our dedicated hobbies and interest board
Still not convinced? Well, here's five reasons why colouring is great for you as an adult...
1. Colouring trains your brain to focus
Whether you're a perfectionist and HAVE to stay within the lines, or you don't mind scribbling over them once in a while... The effort of trying to stay in the lines while colouring takes focus, but not too much that it's stressful for you. Which is great! By colouring, you're helping yourself and your brain to put everything else aside for the time you spend doing it, and trains a critical skill in our increasingly demanding world... Living in the moment!
2. Colouring reduces stress and anxiety
It's no surprise then that the art of colouring has been prescribed by psychologists for many, many years. Including the likes of Carl Jung. By colouring, you help your brain to relax its fear center, and thus relaxing you... Not just while colouring, but by helping to reduce your stress overall. It's a meditative, free-time activity that you can enjoy however much and whenever you'd like.
3. Colouring lets you be you
4. Colouring helps you to be social
While your book is your book, colouring books have actually become such a popular activity for adults, that it's becoming a social activity. If you don't mind sharing your artistry, then why not organise a colouring party to meet-up with fellow fans of the world of colouring.
5. Colouring helps fine-tune your motor skills and your vision
It's not only stress-free and enjoyable, it's healthy for you! The act of colouring uses two hemispheres of your brain to communicate, and the activity itself can indeed fine tune your motor skills and vision. Colouring requires both logic and creativity, and thus are therapeutic and may delay or prevent complications in older life.
Have you tried colouring yet? Is it something you're interested in trying? Share your experiences with us below!