7 Benefits of Rising Early | ExpatWoman.com

7 Benefits of Rising Early

Whether it’s against every bone in your body, waking up early comes with its many benefits…

Posted on

3 July 2016

Last updated on 26 July 2017
7 Benefits of Rising Early
Are you a person who enjoys waking up early every day, even when you don’t need to? Great, you’re a lucky one. But for those of us who would much prefer to catch every single wink of sleep we can, it proves a little more difficult.

We hate to break it to you, though; waking up early does have its benefits. Yes, those of you who already do so, we’re sure you’ll agree.

You don’t need to enjoy the morning, but by waking up early we’re sure you’ll begin to see and experience these benefits of doing so.

Waking up early helps you sustain a healthier diet

Rise early and you might find you actually have time for breakfast. Unlike those of us who sleep in and skip the most important meal of the day, waking up early and taking the time to eat and digest breakfast is a great start to your day.

You see, your body has effectively been fasting for 6 – 8 hours while you’ve been sleeping, and so by skipping breakfast, it goes into starvation mode. Because of this, you’ll find yourself craving sugary and unhealthy foods.

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If you’re on a weight loss journey to a healthier you, eating breakfast is the foundation for building those healthy eating habits to help you.

Waking up early enhances your productivity

It is believed that mornings are the most perfect, productive time to get things done. After all, it’s simple; if you wake up early, you get more done. You’ll find there are less distractions in the early hours of the day, so you can do more with minimal interruptions. Plus, after a good night’s sleep your brain is charged and ready to go. Yes, it might be difficult to get into the rhythm of waking up early, but we’re sure you’ll be reaping the benefits of doing so in no time.

By doing this, you’ll find that when the evening comes, you’ll have more free time to do what you want and/or spend it with your loved ones.

Waking up early gives you better mental health

You might not believe it when we say, but yes, the time you wake up has a big impact on your mental health. By waking up earlier, you’ll find that the less you need to rush, the more you’ll see a surge of positivity injected into your life and you’ll notice a change in your attitude soon enough.

Morning people are often more positive, optimistic and likely to experience satisfaction in their lives. Don’t you just hate morning people? Instead of holding discontent towards them, join their forces!

Waking up early means you can enjoy peace and quiet

You’ll have no children shouting, no crying babies, no traffic noise, no noisy neighbours, no TV voices… By waking up early, you’ll be able to enjoy a time of peace when you can really think.

Waking up early means you can exercise more… And never miss it

It’s simple, isn’t it? While exercising can be done at whatever time of day, the changes of it being cancelled on a morning compared to after work are minimal. By exercising first thing in the morning, you are not going to let a tiring work day or social plans get in the way.

SEE ALSO: 6 ways to drink more water every day

Plus, if you struggle to get energised and wake up on a morning, while exercise might be the last thing you’re thinking about, it can actually help

Waking up early improves the quality of your sleep

Do you know that long lie in you may be desperate for this weekend? It could actually be doing more harm than good for you. In fact, it’s important to establish a proper sleep routine to help improve the quality of sleep as you’ll reset your body’s internal clock.

Early risers often have an established sleep routine because of this.

Waking up early will make your commute easier

We all know what time(s) the traffic really gets heavy. And so by waking early, embracing your day and setting off to work ahead of the rush hour traffic can really have a positive impact on your mood and day overall. The last thing anyone wants is to be stuck in traffic, arriving to work or their meeting or appointment late.


What benefits do you enjoy of being an early riser? Do you wake up early, what is your routine? Comment below to share your thoughts!