We answer some of the most common questions being asked by Dubai residents
6 April 2020
| Last updated on 19 April 2020
Following the new lockdown regulations in Dubai, there are still questions about what we can and cannot do...
Since Sunday April 5, Dubai has imposed stricter regulations to help combat the spread of Coronavirus in the emirate.
Shops, parks, and beaches are closed entirely, Dubai Metro and Dubai Tram have ceased operating temporarily, airports are only facilitating flights leaving the country, and citizens and residents are now required to have a moving permit when leaving the home - even for necessities.
Despite clear information shared by authorities about what we can do, there are still some uncertainties among residents.
Here we've tried to answer the most frequently asked questions Dubai residents are asking in light of the recent 24 hour COVID-19 lockdown in the emirate...
Can I exercise outside?
No, and nothing has changed in this regard to previous instructions from authorities. Prior to April 5, and since, citizens and residents should only leave the house for essential shopping at a supermarket, pharmacy, or for a trip to the hospital or a medical appointment - and you need a moving permit to do so.
If you are found outside of your home without a moving permit, for instance if you are found walking or jogging for exercise, you will face penalties.
Can I take my dog(s) for a walk?
No, you should not take your dog out for a walk at all now. Since April 5, all outside movement has been restricted and violators without permits will be fined. This includes walking your dog.
With dog owners on our team, we appreciate that staying indoors at all times with a dog or dogs can be difficult; particularly if you live in an apartment. Until now, instructions over whether you could walk your dog have been unclear, leading residents to continue taking them out.
But with these new guidelines enforced, it is clear that you should not be leaving your home to walk your dog. For toileting, Dubai Police have confirmed that pet owners are able to leave their apartment for no more than 10 minutes, and must remain in front of their building. Owners should ensure that once their pet is toileted, they should return to their homes. Refrain from walking further.
Can I still go shopping?
Yes, but only for necessities from a supermarket or food store. Only one member of your household can go, and they should have a move permit approved before doing so. Children should not be taken to the supermarket and shopping in a group should be avoided entirely.
Do I need a permit to leave the house?
Yes. Since April 5, anyone not working in exempted industries MUST have a permit in place before leaving their home.
I don't drive - how do I get a permit?
It has been unclear whether a permit is required for those travelling on foot, however an update on the move permit application by Dubai Police on April 6 now requires a person to input whether they are travelling by car, by metro, by bus, or by walking/cycling. As a result, any person wishing to step outside of their home for essentials must have a move permit, even if they're walking or cycling to/from their destination.
How can I get around Dubai without a car?
Since Dubai Metro and Dubai Tram have both been shut, commuters still required to travel to work in vital industries may use the RTA's public buses for free. Publicly owned RTA taxis have also cut their fairs by 50 per cent.
Can I still order food online?
Yes. Food outlets and restaurants are still able to prepare food for food deliveries, and delivery drivers are considered essential workers and are therefore able to move around the city. Many food order apps have introduced 'contactless deliveries' also to reduce the contact between yourself and the delivery driver.
Do I need to wear a mask/gloves when leaving home?
Yes. Since April 5, it is now mandatory that anyone leaving their home for any reason must be wearing a face mask and gloves. Your mask doesn't necessarily have to be medical grade and/or the N95 mask, as long as you have something to protect your mouth and nose.
Please note: This information is correct at the time of writing. Things are changing on a daily basis but we endeavour to make sure the correct, up-to-date information is shared with our readers.