We are seeing a continuous shift when it comes to the way women are being treated in the workplace and the trends that are emerging in terms of their career progression opportunities. Thirty or so years ago it was not unusual for women to follow their husband (with children in tow) to a distant part of the world to assist them in pursuing their career whilst the women of the family were left caring for the home. Today, we are witnessing a complete role reversal, and there are a growing number of women taking their boyfriends with them or going ahead with their expatriation alone.
Recent research has shown that there are high numbers of British women that are choosing to live and work overseas in a bid to fast-track their careers and rise to positions of greater power and influence. Two independent surveys highlighted that the number of female expats has been on the rise steadily over the last decade. An InterNations survey discovered that a total of 17.8% of women work in management positions as expats in 2015 which was a 4% rise from the previous year.

So what has caused this incredible statistic change and shift towards women choosing to take the expatriate journey of their own accord? It is believed that expatriation is one of the best ways that women are able to advance in their careers and opens up doors to new options and opportunities that they would otherwise be unable to gain elsewhere. Experts have suggested that expatriation positions offer women the chance to not only learn new languages but also become more flexible from a cultural standpoint and become more independent and confident with taking chances.
It is also important to note the advantage women will have over those in similar industries in the fact that they will be better equipped to take on exciting, international roles (should they choose to) as they would have gathered the necessary skills from their expatriate experience. This sits nicely along the idea of personal development, from learning about a how organisations operate in different parts of the world, to getting a better understanding with regards to the fine balance between business cultures.
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In addition to this, the InterNations survey also showed that women who work overseas are, more often than not, single. According to the data, when it comes to females in upper management, less than 50% are in a relationship and less than half women in every 10 have children. Career development among young female professionals is very much becoming a priority and one of the leading ways for women to achieve the level of progression they desire is through the expatriation process.
It is important to be mindful that while there is a certain amount of perceived glamour about being an expatriate, there are certain challenges that women are sure to face along the way. Women who succeed in their overseas positions are typically those who are able to demonstrate superior problem-solving abilities and exceptionally forward-thinking and adaptable outlook on their work. However this, of course, should not detract from the vast amounts of positive gains, both from a professional and personal perspective.
If you are looking to find out more about the benefits of expatriation when it comes to your career development, then be sure to
get in touch with our team, who will be able to help you get a better understanding of the process and whether it is right for you.