ExpatWoman's Do Something Different Survey 2019 | ExpatWoman.com

ExpatWoman's Do Something Different Survey

We'd love your insight for a new range of events and courses

ExpatWoman's Do Something Different Survey 2019

Share your preferences and you could win a class or course for yourself!

Here at ExpatWoman, we've been working on an exciting new range of events and courses that will meet the needs and interests of all of our readers.

We would really appreciate your insights, sharing your preferences and timings, to help us work with activity and course providers to deliver what YOU are looking for.

Please answer this quick survey about what might interest you, and enter our FREE draw to win places on those same courses! Every time a class or course comes up that might interest you, your name will automatically go into the hat.

Our Do Something Different Survey is open until 12 pm on November 28th. Submitted details by entrants will be put into a draw every time a suitable course or class arises that matches your preferences. Winners of these draws will be contacted directly by members of the ExpatWoman team.

Terms & Conditions

  • ExpatWoman's Do Something Different Survey (the Survey) is not open to employees of ExpatWoman.com (the Website), their family members, freelance contributors or anyone else connected to the Survey.
  • Only one entry per person to the Survey.
  • The winner(s) will be selected by way of a random draw from all entries received in accordance with these Terms & Conditions.
  • The winner(s) will be notified by email and/or phone. If we are unable to reach you within 48 hours of being notified, the prize will be forfeited and another winner selected.
  • The Website shall use and take care of any personal information you supply in entering this Survey as described in its privacy policy, a copy of which can be seen at www.expatwoman.com/privacy-policy