The No 'Poo Movement: Are You Ready to Join? |

The No 'Poo Movement: Are You Ready to Join?

Should you go 'No 'Poo'?

Posted on

11 May 2015

Last updated on 1 October 2019
The No 'Poo Movement: Are You Ready to Join?
There's a new beauty regime that's becoming popular... Before you rapidly throw out all half-empty bottles of shampoo that you've collected over the years, just stop to take a moment to learn what you need to know about the no 'poo movement.

To truly go 'no 'poo', one must stop using shampoo completely. It's a trend that is becoming more and more prominent with beauty and hair experts, but why are they telling us to do it? Simply put, most people believe that: 1) shampoo is expensive, which it can be - we can't deny that, 2) some chemicals in some shampoos can irritate and dry out your scalp and hair, 3) some chemicals in some shampoos can be hazardous to your health and 4) your body produces oil to naturally condition your hair and keep it healthy - so why deprive it of that duty? 


Thus, it is believed that using shampoo daily can upset the natural balance in your hair, and can cause it to produce more oil than necessary to compensate resulting in that ever-gross feeling and appearance of 'greasy hair'. 

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If that doesn't bother you, let's get started! 

When you stop using shampoo, you will probably experience a transitional period, in which your body will gradually adjust and produce just a little extra oil to keep your hair healthy as it's deprived of shampoo. This can take between a few days, up to a few months - so you'll be living with some extra oil and grease that you'll have to take care of to look presentable on a daily basis. The cheapest way that will help you is using baking soda, or even apple cider vinegar to maintain the cleanliness of your hair. 

If that doesn't bother you, let's get started!

Many people have already broken the shampoo cycle, and are loving their 'no 'poo' results. Followers of the 'no 'poo method' have claimed to have softer, fuller, bouncier hair, along with a more supple and dandruff-free scalp. Our advice? Wean yourself off slowly, saying yes to 'no 'poo' more and more during the week, and eventually embrace the water only, or baking soda and apple cider vinegar shampoo alternatives. Afterall, while it may not be a method for everyone, don't knock 'no 'poo' until you try it! 

We all have to admit, the idea of shampooing less frequently may make some of us cringe, but according to hair experts, lathering up every day is unnecessary at best, and can be harmful to hair. Shampoo, after all, has only been around less than a century but has rapidly become a daily essential in the last few decades. But before you banish hair products and shampoo, consider some of the facts behind what is effectively a new fad:

1) Everyone's scalp is different... The amount of times you wash your hair should wholly depend on your personal hair care and styling. Every one of us have a unique physiology that may produce more oils than others. There are some ladies that do in fact have to wash everyday because of their body's natural production.

2) Different hair has different needs... Those of us who relax, highlight or colour-treat our tresses may be more prone to damage from repeat washings because the hair is already porous. Those of us with thick, curly, wavy hair tends to get away with repeat washing. 

3) Shampoo is only for your roots! It has nothing to do with your actual hair. Our advice? Use shampoo only on your roots, then rinse. From mid-shaft to the tips of your hair, apply condition only. This simple change can make a huge difference in the health of your hair.  

4) You should still wash your hair, even if you're not using shampoo. Whether it's with water, baking soda or apple cider vinegar. 

5) If you like the idea of shampooing less but can't give it up 100% then sprinkle a little baby powder onto an oily scalp, and it will soak up all that extra grease you haven't got time to wash out fully. Dry shampoos are great fror this too! 

6) Cutting out shampoo is actually better for the environment, too... With less bottles produced, being used and being thrown away! Recycle your container for your natural hair cleanser.