Meteor Shower In The UAE In December |

Don’t Miss Out On A Meteor Shower In The UAE Next Month

Astrology obsessed UAE residents, you should read this….

Posted on

21 November 2018

Last updated on 21 November 2018
Meteor Shower

The moon, the sky and the stars may not be seen inside the cities

But light up so confidently once you step away from the city lights, leaving you with a gorgeous canvas to watch.

And that’s exactly what residents in the UAE can witness in December as a meteor shower is expected to light up the skies above the country.

For those who love counting the stars (or just need a romantic getaway) make sure not to miss out on a stellar show across UAE skies on December the 14th.

Almost 120 meteors will shoot across the skies above the UAE in just an hour and you’ll be able to see them with your naked eye – sans any equipment!

Called the Geminid Meteor Shower, this annual phenomenon happens for one hour every year and residents are urged to catch it as it is truly breathtaking.

With little interference from the moon, the meteors will shine in all their glory on December 14 in the UAE and will go on till the early morning of December 15.

All you’ll need is to head to an area away from the bright city lights during the nighttime and watch the meteor shower unravel in front of your eyes.

What is the Geminid Meteor Shower?

This 200 years old shower is one of the oldest meteor showers that was recorded back in 1833 from a riverboat on the Mississippi River.

And every year, the meteor shower grows bigger and bigger as it gains more meteors to its traction in the sky – and while it does this, it also grows in strength.

This meteor shower can be seen from all over the globe, except Antarctica, because it gets 24 hours of sunlight and the meteor shower will not be visible due to the light.

What to expect from the Geminid Meteor Shower in the UAE?

If you’ve taken our advice and have decided not to miss this gorgeous natural phenomenon in the UAE, here’s what to expect:

  • It can be seen all over the UAE
  • In Dubai, however, will only appear at a 58 degree angle above the north-eastern horizon at midnight
  • You’ll be witnessing 120 meteors per hour