Easy Ways to Keep Your Food Safe During Summer
Fun fact: foodborne illnesses actually increase over the warmer season
18 July 2017

Ah, summer… It’s the season of BBQs and picnics, alongside days at the park or beach. And while you might have a number of other different things to worry about during this season – like hay fever, and sun protection, there’s one safety procedure you might be forgetting.
Your food.
You see, bacteria flourishes during the warm and humid summer months, and while out and about we don’t have access to the safety controls our kitchen provides us.
Thermostat-controlled cooking, refrigeration and washing facilities are all absent while eating outside.
So to help make sure that the food you’re preparing and packing is safe to eat, here’s 4 habits to adopt to make sure no member of the family is struck with illness, and to help fight that bad bacteria!
1. Pack light, easy cleaning tools
Like wet wipes, disposable washcloths and paper towels. By having these readily available while enjoying you summer afternoon BBQ or picnic, you can ensure all hands and surfaces are clean and safe to eat with.
2. Make sure you use a cooler
Items like water bottles, grapes, juice boxes and other picnic items can be easily kept frozen and then allowed to thaw in a cooler. Not only does it keep your cooler cold, but your food and drinks will be protected from pesky bacteria. While out, make sure it’s kept in the coolest part of your car, or in the shade nearby to where you’re eating.
3. Don't leave food out
As a rule of thumb, when it’s hot – food shouldn’t be left out for over one hour. To help, consider packing things that don’t need refrigeration like fruits, vegetables, hard cheese, canned or dried meats, bread, peanut butter and crackers, too.
4. Wait until you're there to cook
If you’re heading out for a BBQ, make sure to cook meat and poultry completely at your BBQ site. Partial cooking ahead can allow bacteria to survive and multiply!