The Importance of Teaching Good Manners |

The Importance of Teaching Good Manners

The importance of teaching children good manners.

Posted on

9 April 2017

Last updated on 30 August 2021
The Importance of Teaching Good Manners

It’s no secret that raising children today is a tough job. With all of the influences they have in their lives, keeping them on the right path is never easy.

One area that will never be “out of style” when it comes to raising good kids is teaching them manners. Children, who are taught manners at a young age, grow up to be kinder, gentler and more considerate of others than those who don’t.
The Importance of Teaching Children Good Manners
The team at ODYSSEY begins teaching children good manners and suggest that the best way to practice this is to lead by example. Say “please” and “thank you,” don’t interrupt others when they are speaking and practicing good table manners are the easiest manners to teach so start with these.

Table manners are especially important – not only for meals at home but for meals out, as well. Children have a hard enough time remembering how to behave at home let alone how to behave in a public place like a restaurant, for example. Keeping the rules the same across the board saves any problems from arising.

The Importance of Good manners

Basic Table Manners

What to expect: By age 3, your child will be able to eat with a spoon and fork; stays seated at the table for 15 to 20 minutes, and wipe their mouth with a napkin.
What to do: During toddlerhood, offer your child his food on a small, no-break plate; encourage him to use his utensils; discourage him from throwing food by telling him, "We don't throw food on the floor. If you don't want any more, please say 'no thank you.

Please and Thank You

What to expect: An 18-month-old may be able to say the words but not necessarily grasp their true meaning. By 2 1/2, kids can link the word to the concept.
What to do: If your child hasn't gotten into the habit, gently prompt him by saying, "What do we say after we get a gift?" or "What do we say when someone gives us a treat?"
Teaching children good manners


What to expect: At around 2, a child begins to understand the concept of sharing and turn-taking -- though they won't necessarily relish doing either!
What to do: Encourage your toddler to share with his friends on play dates by giving them two similar toys and helping them offer one to his friend.


What to expect: Though a toddler of about 18 months has a basic understanding of empathy, he can't really understand why he's expected to apologize. By 2 1/2 to 3, he'll understand the concept but may be too caught up in his own affairs to do it on his own.
What to do: When your child snatches a toy from a playmate, discourage the behavior and play on his empathy: "We don't hit; hitting hurts." Then, prompt him to apologize: "When we hurt someone, we say, 'I'm sorry.'"

The importance of good manners
Teaching and explaining what good manners are, again, the best way for it to sink in for your kids is to lead by example – not by a “do as I say not as I do” approach.  Children watch adults and mimic what they see – especially when it comes to parents.

Finally, praise their good behavior every time they practice a form of good manners. Giving praise is a wonderful reinforcement for what you’re teaching – let your children know how proud of them you are.
Odyssey Nursery
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Odyssey Nursery
At Odyssey Nursery, children learn and progress at their own pace under the respected Washington State Early Learning Benchmarks curriculum and the Reggio Emilia approach. Children are given the opportunity for self-development and self-discovery through this educational approach, and trilingual education. They have six branches Odyssey Nursery branches in UAE. In Dubai, you can find them at Umm Suqeim, Burj and Living Legends; and in Abu Dhabi in Khalifa City A and their newest branch in Al Mushrif.


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