Dubai Health Authority confirmed that she and her family are quarantined at a hospital and their condition is stable.
5 March 2020
| Last updated on 5 March 2020
The school will be disinfected to help prevent the virus' spread.
A 16-year old Indian school student in Dubai has tested positive for Covid-19, confirmed the Dubai Health Authority (DHA). The patient contracted the virus from her parents who had recently traveled overseas and began to display Coronavirus symptoms five days after landing in Dubai.
The authority confirms that both the pupil and her family members are currently under hospital quarantine and are well on their way to recovering. School staff and students who have interacted with the girl are also undergoing tests and monitoring.
The unnamed CBSE school's premises and facilities will be sanitised to help avoid the spread of Coronavirus.
"DHA has adopted stringent pro-active precautionary measures to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of all school pupils and their families. In coordination with the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), we have issued instructions for classes in the school to be suspended," the Dubai Health Authority added.
On Wednesday, March 4 the UAE Ministry of Education has officially announced a four-week closure of all schools, universities, colleges, and nurseries across the country, from Sunday, March 8.