Pregnant with Twins, but my insurance only covers government facilities? |

Pregnant with Twins, but my insurance only covers government facilities?

Latest post on 28 April 2018 - 13:36

Would really appreciate any help!!
Just to give you a little back story.
A few weeks ago, I found out I was pregnant. I have got insurance with my work but it only covers government facilities. Rightly or wrongly, after listening to lots of different people, I decided I was going to explore having the baby in Dubai and do it privately at The American Hospital with the Antenatal package and normal delivery.
Now, I'm 11 weeks and 5 days pregnant and 2 weeks ago I found out I was having twins and there are serious cost implications now. From thinking this would cost us around 20,000AED, we've now realized, with twins, that this could potentially double that cost and we're just not in a position to be able to afford that.
So now I'm reassessing my options. Do I go back home to the UK and have the babies? Although realize I'm going to have to travel way before my due date as it's likely, with twins, they'll come early. This therefore will impact my maternity leave at work etc. Or, do I have them at a government facility as my work medical insurance does cover here? I do need to check though that it covers pre and post natal complications!
Any advice would be so much appreciated as I'm really at a loss as to what to do!
Thank you in advance