Dubai's New Travel Guidelines for the Coronavirus Outbreak |

Dubai's New Travel Guidelines for the Coronavirus Outbreak

The Dubai Health Authority announced a new guideline for travelers arriving in the country.

Posted on

11 March 2020

Last updated on 15 March 2020
Dubai's New Travel Guidelines During Coronavirus Outbreak

The UAE Ministry of Health announced that the total number of infections in the country is at least 74.

As news of the Covid-19 continues to develop, the UAE has announced new travel guidelines in a bid to minimise the virus' spread. On March 5 the UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHaP) called on all residents and nationals to avoid making any travel plans unless absolutely necessary.

However, if you have traveled or will travel, especially to any places that have a widespread transmission of the novel Coronavirus, cautionary measures will be implemented upon your return to the UAE.

Travelers who are arriving in the country from any of the countries with confirmed Covid-19 cases must self-quarantine for 14 days minimum.

Dr. Manal Taryam, CEO of Primary Healthcare at the Dubai Health Authority (DHA), revealed the latest measures that UAE health authorities have implemented.

"DHA and all relevant health authorities in the UAE are working together and have in place screenings at the airport as well as after-travel precautions that people with recent history of travel to places of concern must follow," said Dr. Manal Taryam in a Gulf News report.

"All these measures are aimed to control and slow the spread of coronavirus disease 2019", she added.

Dubai's New Travel Guidelines During Coronavirus Outbreak

Countries of Concern for Coronavirus include:

  • China
  • Italy
  • South Korea
  • Japan
  • Singapore
  • Hong Kong
  • France
  • Germany

The list is subject to change.

"All travelers who return from Countries of Concern will be asked to practice home quarantine and social distancing as a way of protecting their loved ones and the community members from the spread of the virus," said Dr. Taryam.

The period of home quarantine will be for two weeks as that is the confirmed incubation period of Covid-19.

Visitors and returning residents/citizens are advised to exercise caution by avoiding public transport and heavily crowded public spaces.

"The basic idea is to stay indoors and to keep a distance from other family members until the self-isolation period is over. This is a matter of community health and it’s a precaution that should be taken seriously."