Opinions on Latifa Hospiyal | ExpatWoman.com

Opinions on Latifa Hospiyal

Latest post on 05 May 2012 - 15:21

Hi ladies

What are your opinions on Latifa Hospital and their Gyne's?

Latest post on 01 February 2021 - 12:47
Hi ladies, Can anyone please help me out, iam 14 week of pregnant want to follow up with latifa hospital and what will be the normal and c section package is hospital good.. Please help me out.. Best regards..
Latest post on 08 May 2012 - 11:24
Hi... I'm nine weeks pregnant and jut register myself with latifa... Would it be possible to go only for delivery in Al Wasle and not to go on their pre natal package as I am Planning to do it via a private obh Gyne... Thanks Hassli In short the answer is no. In the past people have been refused care as when in labour as their antenatal care was not carried out at Latifa Hospital. If you want to have this as a back up in case you deliver early or are high risk then you would need to attend appointments there as well as with your private OBGYN and then decide what to do when the time comes.
Latest post on 07 May 2012 - 21:12
Hi... I'm nine weeks pregnant and jut register myself with latifa... Would it be possible to go only for delivery in Al Wasle and not to go on their pre natal package as I am Planning to do it via a private obh Gyne... Thanks
Latest post on 07 May 2012 - 14:48
I'm due to give birth to my twins in Latifa Hospital by the end of this month. I found the service to be very good, apart from the waiting time to see the doctor, yes average about 1hr. My advise is to try and get the first appointment of the day and you are less likely to wait for too long. I have been attending the Special Clinic for high risk pregnancies too, as refered by my doctor Al Shameem. She said she will be following me all the way to the delivery time and I have to say that all appointments I've had so far have been with same doctor ( 33 wks now, registered at Al Wasl at 22wks). Not sure about nuchal scans ( I had this done at a private clinic) but have been offered amniocentesis test at Latifa Hospital. In reference to Al Barari hospital I have been there too but was told that due to their limited number of incubators they could not garantee NICU for my twins if they would come early. They advised me to go to Latifa Hospital... Good luck with everything :-) Hi Dubai squirrel: could you tell me why are they asking you to do an amniocentesis ? Is it to Check whether twins' lungs are mature? Also, are you having a vaginal birth or a planned c?
Latest post on 07 May 2012 - 14:42
LB: I was in your place just a few months ago all confused as to how and when i must register at Latifa. I don't have any personal experience with Latifa but am pg with twins now; and know a lady who delivered twins there last year Feb at 28 weeks. Her twins are doing great now; they received excellent care at nicu. But according to her, she wouldn't have delivered early if she were seeing a private gyne side by side. In Latifa, her appointments were limited, she saw a different OB each time, and missed out on some high risk care. As you may be aware, a twin pregnancy is high risk by default. She suggested me to see a private OB but register at Latifa and go for all of their appointments so that you can deliver there (it's the cheapest when it comes to delivery and nicu). Same thing was suggested by a triplet momma i know who saw a private gyne and delivered at Latifa and used their nicu. The reason I'm telling the above is just to give you a tip on to be prepared fully, as a twin pregnancy can be drastically different from a singleton pg, and the more prepared you are, the better. <em>edited by little_zuzu on 07/05/2012</em>
Latest post on 06 May 2012 - 19:06
Congratulations on your pregnancy ladybird! :D I had my third baby at Al Wasl/Latifa, but that was over 2 years ago now so my experience may be quite a bit out of date. As I understand it, you still have quite a bit of time before you need to be registered at Latifa. Best to call them or visit and ask to speak to the head of ante-natal care (be insistent!) and find out exactly what their current policy is on booking in and paying for your ante-natal package and delivery. Unless things have changed, they only do very basic blood tests and standard scans later in the pregnancy. A Nuchal Translucency scan is usually done around 11-13 weeks. Since Latifa or clinic staff won't see you until at least 16 weeks, you'll need to organise this yourself, if you want to have it done. ( [url=http://www.babycenter.com.au/pregnancy/antenatalhealth/scans/nuchalscan/'>NT Scan[/url'> ) What lots of women do is to see their trusted GP or a private OB for the first few months, then transfer to Latifa. At Latifa, they will want some of the blood tests repeated, but this is all included in the cost of your package anyway. Enjoy your pregnancy! Keep asking lots of questions here...we're all happy to help. :) <em>edited by Green-ish on 06/05/2012</em>
Latest post on 06 May 2012 - 15:31
O! Ladies! I'm really starting to miss home now, where things are just straight forward. It's all so confusing :( I mean, shouldn't you see the same doctor every time so that they can follow your progress all the way to the end! Also what is this nuchal scans you are metioning and the amniocentesis tests? When are these meant to get done? Will this be included in the maternity antenatal packages? I don't doubt that the care and quality for delivery at Latifa would be good, is just the idea of not seeing the same doctor everytime, that uneases me a bit.
Latest post on 06 May 2012 - 12:20
I'm due to give birth to my twins in Latifa Hospital by the end of this month. I found the service to be very good, apart from the waiting time to see the doctor, yes average about 1hr. My advise is to try and get the first appointment of the day and you are less likely to wait for too long. I have been attending the Special Clinic for high risk pregnancies too, as refered by my doctor Al Shameem. She said she will be following me all the way to the delivery time and I have to say that all appointments I've had so far have been with same doctor ( 33 wks now, registered at Al Wasl at 22wks). Not sure about nuchal scans ( I had this done at a private clinic) but have been offered amniocentesis test at Latifa Hospital. In reference to Al Barari hospital I have been there too but was told that due to their limited number of incubators they could not garantee NICU for my twins if they would come early. They advised me to go to Latifa Hospital... Good luck with everything :-)
Latest post on 06 May 2012 - 10:59
Hi ladybird14, do you know if Latifa offers nuchal scans? i got confused with the package prices but it seems to be the most economical option. Their baby unit has very good reviews as well. AH can not look after babies before 29-30 weeks so City and Latifa are the main options My worry is whether it is possible to build a link with your doctor. Do you have to discuss the same thing again and again each time you see someone? It would be great to have your feed back Mel Hi AnonDubai: I'm only 9 weeks now. Initially got a price from City as everyone is raving about it, but because I'm having twins its going to cost us about 33 000 dirhams!! So I've heard a couple of ladies mentioning Latifa on here and went today to check it out and it's literally half the price! Plus it's a really nice hospital as well. Can you recommend a good doctor, as I hav m 12 week scan coming up with City, bu will have to rebook it at Latifa instead.
Latest post on 06 May 2012 - 08:58
Ladybird14 Latifa Hospital was formerly Al Wasl hospital. Do a search on here for Al Wasl hospital and you will come across lots of feedback, 90% positive. The main problems I found were long waiting times for appointments which was difficult with a toddler to contain as well and the fact that you don't see the same doctor all of the time so it can be a bit of a struggle trying to get all the information you need. However, all the doctors are more than competent and the hospital itself is nice but no frills. AS CABear says, the admin can be a bit laborious but I found that to be the case with admin all over Dubai! Good luck with your pregnancy and reserach
Latest post on 06 May 2012 - 07:55
I delivered at Latifa one month ago. I only started going to Latifa for appointments after 36 weeks and saw 3 different doctors in 3 appointments. They all seemed competent but I did feel I had to ask questions and sort of drag information out of them. This was my third baby so I knew what to expect and this didn't really bother me. I never had a pelvic exam, I don't know if this is standard but again didn't bother me. The administration can be a little gruff and the waits for appointments at the hospital were usually about an hour. This all being said my delivery and stay at the hospital were really good. The doctors were very thorough and explained everything that was going on to me and my husband in detail (I almost had a c-section). The midwife that delivered the baby was fantastic, she was with me the entire time and if it weren't for her I'm sure I would have had a c-section. I stayed in a shared room but had it to myself most of the time. I can see it getting a little crowded and noisy if it was full (especially during visiting hours with kids running around and men in and out of the room). It might be worth it to request a private room, I think it's 2000dhs more per night. The nurses were good with the baby and quick to respond to my calls, etc. I did feel like we were really left alone (which I prefer) unless I needed anything. I did find it strange that no one checked on me other than two temperature checks. I delivered my first two babies in Canada and felt like I was constantly being poked and prodded by different nurses. All in all, I had a good experience at Latifa. It's a no frills experience but the hospital is clean and the care is good. All said and done it cost us 5000dhs for antenatal care and just shy of 10000dhs for NVD. If you are having twins I would definitely choose Latifa, they are best equipped to handle high risk pregnancies and their NICU is the best. Without even considering the expense, Latifa would be my first choice. If you do a search on here you'll see lots of women recommending registering with Latifa even if you aren't planning on delivering there, just in case. Good luck with your pregnancy, I hope everything goes smoothly for you!
Latest post on 05 May 2012 - 18:10
I have heard that Baraha Hospital is the cheapest. At Latifa, you can't actually choose a doctor. There is a team of doctors and you see the one who is available at the moment when you are there. I have actually hardly been to Latifa during my pregnancy. Because I am classified as low-risk, all my appointments are at the government clinic closest to my home. I assume that because you're having twins, you'd be classified as high-risk and would need to go to Latifa monthly. As I said earlier, I am due to give birth there next month and will gladly write about my experience afterwards. Since you are only 9 weeks along, you have time to wait for my opinion! :)
Latest post on 05 May 2012 - 18:05
Hi AnonDubai: I'm only 9 weeks now. Initially got a price from City as everyone is raving about it, but because I'm having twins its going to cost us about 33 000 dirhams!! So I've heard a couple of ladies mentioning Latifa on here and went today to check it out and it's literally half the price! Plus it's a really nice hospital as well. Can you recommend a good doctor, as I hav m 12 week scan coming up with City, bu will have to rebook it at Latifa instead.
Latest post on 05 May 2012 - 16:40
I will be delivering there next month. I can update you then. When are you due?