Top 10 Things to Do During Ramadan for Teenagers in Dubai |

Top 10 Things to Do During Ramadan for Teenagers

Have a teenager living with you in Dubai? Here's some ways they can get involved with the Holy Month...

Posted on

22 June 2014

Last updated on 19 April 2020
Things to do during Ramadan for teenagers

Ramadan is certainly a special time in Dubai and the UAE, and you'll definitely feel it. There's a lot that teenagers can do during Ramadan in Dubai to keep themselves occupied, and adjust to the change of the Holy Month.

Here are a few ideas...

PLEASE NOTE: for Ramadan 2020, some of the information listed below may not be applicable due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Our guide is intended to show what would normally happen during Ramadan in Dubai and the UAE. For a complete guide to Ramadan 2020 during the COVID-19 lockdown, click here.

1. Catch up with a new series

We all know that as teens, we barely have any time to watch some of our favourite TV shows with revision and exams. But during Ramadan, our time is endless. Sit down on the couch and catch up with some TV shows, we know we will surely be watching Arrow this Ramadan! Some shows even come out during the off season.

2. Break the fast

When night time kicks in, sit down and relax at some of the best restaurants in Dubai that feature some of the best Iftar meals. Probably the best thing for expatriates during Ramadan is the Iftar meals, which are massive feasts to break the fast in Ramadan. So head down to The Gate at Ibn Battuta or Thai Chi at WAFI with the family to have some of the best meals of the year.

Things to do for teenagers during Ramadan in Dubai

3. No one is around

Go skiing with your mates. There may not be an Avalanche café, however the slopes are pretty much empty and newly layered snow does feels amazing. Also, you won’t have to bother with speeding skiers or snowboarders that are out of control on the rails and kickers as most of them are either fasting or at home. Go wild and spread out on the empty slopes as if you were in an isolated mountain in the middle of Switzerland.

4. Finish something

That game you’ve always wanted to finish, make that dish you’ve always wanted but never had the time, do a puzzle, anything!

5. Sort out the house

We don't have Spring here so do some cleaning, sort out and file all those photos you have on your iPhone, go out and buy stuff for your room. Always wanted surround sound in your room?

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6. Start a new project

Make bracelets with your friends or family members. Want to be a designer? Make some hipster tie-dye shirts or design and make clothing. You could maybe even make something with your parents so you can buy some materials from Satwa to build a tree house or a shed; this is a good time for you to have a laugh with your folks.

7. Water parks

Since most people are out of the country, there is a good chance that nearly all the parks will be very unpopulated and possibly even empty. This gives you the chance to organise a small gathering with some friends who are out & about in Dubai and enjoy every aspect of a water park without the hassle of having to deal with other people.

In addition to this, the month of Ramadan brings wild discounts to the counter, meaning you could be spending less than half the normal price of a ticket that sells in another time during the year.

Things to do for teenagers during Ramadan in Dubai

8. The gym

With less people around, what does that mean? That's right, a whole gym without queues! Which means you don't have to wait for that person to finish using the machine that you have been waiting to use for 10 minutes. You can use it straight away without having the pleasure of dealing with the remnants of another person's salty sweat. And for those who made a new year's resolution to lose weight, become fitter or maybe just visit the gym, here is your chance to do it!

9. Shopping

As mentioned earlier, Ramadan brings discounts that can make items less than half the average stock price. Of course, shops do this because they know most people will be leaving the country for a little while. This means you can fill out your cabinet with clothes that you never wanted to buy earlier because you were too busy, or maybe just too lazy… Basically, this is a time to go bargain hunting.

10. Try fasting for a day

It may sound ridiculous, however it will give you an insight to what your Muslim friends are doing; can you fast for a day? Do you have what it takes to bare the cries of your desperate stomach, the rumbles of hunger and the temptations for the morning feast? Try it out and at least you will have done something to talk about during Ramadan.