Warning Issued for Jellyfish on Oman Beaches | ExpatWoman.com

Warning Issued for Jellyfish on Oman Beaches

Oman's Ministry of Agriculture of Fisheries has issued a warning about excessive jellyfish on the Sultanate's beaches.

Posted on

2 March 2017

Last updated on 15 June 2017
Warning Issued for Jellyfish on Oman Beaches

Oman residents have recently been faced with unwanted guests at the beach, especially the Qurum one… Jellyfish!

The transparent, brainless creatures are hard to spot and their sting is powerful. The Ministry of Agriculture of Fisheries has just released a warning about this issue.


Beachgoers are asked not to go swimming if jellyfish is suspected to be present. The Ministry is uncertain if these particular types are harmful, as some have a toxic sting that could result in severe symptoms.

SEE ALSO: The ultimate Oman bucket list

Relieving the pain of being stung

If you happen to get stung by a jellyfish, we’ve got some tips for you on how to deal with the pain.

1. Rinse the affected area with seawater to ensure no pieces of jellyfish remains on your skin.
2. Avoid getting sand on it.
3. Apply vinegar on it for about 30 seconds or make a paste with baking soda and seawater.
4. Use an ice pack to relieve the pain.
5. Apply lotion to stop the itching.

If the symptoms are too severe, seek medical attention. Jellyfish are often seen on the shores of the Sultanate. However, there are times when there is a large number of them, hence the need for a warning.