Melasma |


Latest post on 16 October 2018 - 22:15

Hello everyone. Anyone who has suffered through melasma knows it can take over your life. I have no confidence left anymore. I’m a slave to full coverage makeup. My melasma is deep I’m assuming since I tried laser treatment by a very incompetent clinic, which made the spots into patches. I have tried every cream and every organic remedy. It’s not budging. I even left the birth control pills (3 years ago) in hopes it would go. Even before the meslama, I religiously applied sunblock and my work doesn’t have me in the sun anyway. Had anyone had successful treatment of Mel Asma here? All I hear is ‘depends in your skin’. Ok.. but I’m sure if it’s a competent clinic they would have treated my kind of skin many times and would know the results. I have been throwing away money and refuse to do that anymore. Don’t have any anyway :-/ please please help. This has taken over my life. I’ve had this for more than 3 years. help! Please!