Do your Yorkies cope in the heat? |

Do your Yorkies cope in the heat?

Latest post on 09 November 2018 - 12:09

Hi everyone,
I have 2 yorkies that I need to bring to Dubai early next year. Does anyone else have small yorkies there? Round about 2kg. They love to be outside and are used to running in the forest and on the beach every day where I live now. I'm guessing in the summer they will have to be inside all day with the A/C on? Is it too hot for walks at night in the summer too? Do I need to start getting them used to wearing shoes or does that not help?
Does anyone have a nanny to look after the dogs while they are at work? Mine are used to having someone in the house with them all the time.
I also heard rumours that dogs are stolen, poisoned and treated like vermin by the local people. That can't be true..can it?