Maid troubles! |

Maid troubles!

Latest post on 12 March 2018 - 22:24

Hello all, I am a mother of two and was in desperate search for a good Maid/nanny so that I could get some help in getting my home in order and have a good routine. Through a friend I found out about this agency and got in touch with Madam C who is the manager of the company. When C told me that they have full time maids for a salary of 3500 Aed per month, which included the visa process of the Maid and their health card and Emirates ID etc. Having lost money previously with trying to arrange for a maids visa and a few other bad experiences with Maids here I was happy here that C is going to give me a full time maid with all the legal documents. So anyway when she came to drop the Maid she told me that they need a 3000 dhs deposit which I agreed to pay and had to sign a contract which said that within 3 months if I Breech the contract I wouldn’t get my deposit back and vice versa. With the first lady C got she said her visa is in process coz she’s a new employee in her company. Two weeks later when I called C to get an update on the maids visa, she began to yell at me over the phone and was very rude. She was screaming and telling me “madam don’t you know the visa process in UAE takes long time and we are doing it, you cannot keep calling and asking me to give the maids documents now” and that was the first time I had called her. I tried to explain to her that I am only calling so that if the visa is going to take longer for this Maid or if the visa is not happening to change the Maid now before my kids get used to her. But C again replied rudely saying she’s trying to make the visa happen. Turns out the Maid told me later she herself nor did C have the Maid passport even. The passport was stuck with the maids previous employer who was asking for some dues the Maid owed the company. On the 27th of the month the Maid told me that C is unable to get her passport and pay her dues so she’s leaving Cs company and walked out of my house. I was left with kids who had gotten used to her (she was very good with babies) and no maid even though I had paid the months salary in full.
Next week C gave me a replacement, this time a Maid who had all the legal documents. While she came with this Maid I tried to convince C to end the contract and just pay me back my deposit, but C refused to do so and pulled this Maid out from her previous employer who was very happy with her and gave her to me. Luckily I also became a little stubborn this time and refused to give C this months salary, and said I want to see how this maid settles down first. This second Maid was not very comfortable at my home and said herself that it was difficult for her to manage children. C kept msging me everyday for the money and I kept telling her that this lady is not able to settle down in my home. Over the weekend when the Maid left for her weekly off she never returned on Saturday. Now I am calling and msging C to end my contract and give me back my deposit but C is refusing to do so and says am the one who’s breaking the contract. When am telling her that she sent two maids who just walked away where ever they felt like without any notice. But she’s being rude and is refusing to pay me my money.

Please dubai moms stay away from this company. It’s such a shame that these people take advantage of us like this coz they know we are in need of their services. Both the maids told me that most of the girls working in Cs agency are illegal and don’t have a visa.

Latest post on 19 May 2018 - 23:01
It is ok to speak of your own experience, am not sure if that would cause issues but I have many times posted my experience on various social media channels with regard to whatever it was concerned. About what happened, terrible honestly but sadly not uncommon. I never personally had an experience with live- in maids as I usually resort to live-out ones, but I do not have kids yet so it is not as needed in my case. However, I have heard various stories of unfortunate incidents similar yet not same as yours. What those mothers did was either threaten the company to go to the municipality (which worked) or literally did complain to the municipality. Neither would guarantee you getting your money back unless you take it up with a lawyer (I saw a post for at least free lawyer consultation here on the forum which I believe is recent), but however would cause a commotion for the company and would probably make them close down or prevent it from happening to anyone else
Latest post on 15 March 2018 - 08:57
I'm sorry to hear you've had a bad experience but be very, very cautious when it comes to providing negative reviews/feedback of a company in the UAE -- especially on a public site such as this... you can get into trouble for slander. My advice is just to agree to settle whatever payment is owed, cut your loss and look for a new company to hire from. I've never hired from an agency though so can't really offer sound advice... But I do recommend justmop or for weekly cleaning