URGENT - Contact details for exploited maid | ExpatWoman.com

URGENT - Contact details for exploited maid

Latest post on 25 April 2022 - 16:24

Hi Team
Many moons ago I lived in Dubai and was an active member of this forum- it really was my lifeline back in the day!
Tonight a dear friend has reached out to me, she spent a lot of her childhood growing up in Indonesia and has a lot of Indonesian friends who have worked for her family over the years. One of her friends recently took a job in Dubai and has reached our to advise that there are very big issues with her employer (I am not sure of the nature but I trust my friends’ judgement on this). We can arrange a flight to get her out of there but we are not sure if she is in possession of her passport and we don’t want her to be detained or get into more trouble (and returned to her employer) if she tries to abscond.
I have told my friends to speak to the Indonesian embassy but I know that there were organisations when I lived in Dubai that could assist. Does anyone have the names/contact numbers of such organisations or even a lawyer that we could speak to?
Thanks (Shukran)