IVF in Dubai | Page 3 | ExpatWoman.com

IVF in Dubai

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Latest post on 02 September 2014 - 14:43
Hello ladies, I have been married for almost eight years and had not been successful in getting pregnant, I had tried IVF twice in the US an it did not work. The doctor said I had a mild case of endometriosis, but still enough to prevent pregnancy. A few months back after moving to UAE with my husband, I received treatment with Fakih IVF with Dr Michael Fakih himself in Dubai; and we are currently expecting our first baby. The experience was excellent. The staff were courteous and very understanding, and Dr Fakih went through the whole journey with me step by step, and I am still following up with them. I am planning to stay with them till the very end as they are now delivering at City Hospital. Wish you ladies all the best with your IVF journey's!! :)
Latest post on 13 August 2014 - 19:06
Hii Ladies :) i will do my first try of ICSI after 2 month in New Hope clinic , did anyone tried this clinic ???
Latest post on 08 August 2014 - 12:50
Dr. David Robertson at Bourn Hall Clinic Dubai is the best. Me and my husband were so pleased with how they treated us. I got pregnant for the first time after trying for 10 years, Lebanon, and Jordan. . I initially went Faki because he is Lebanese and someone recommended him to me in Lebanon when I was living there about to move to Dubai, so I thought I would feel more comfortable, but we didn't like the environment. The minute we walked into Bourn Hall Clinic we knew we found the right place. They are seriously the best. I didnt want want to talk about my pregnancy before because I am superstitious but hopefully all goes well I am expecting in a couple of months and cant wait. We are even thinking of naming our son James, after the embryologist at Bourn Hall. He was so sweet and called us everyday during our treatment to tell us about the status of fertilization and embryos. Will be starting next week with Bourn Hall, can you give me your whole experience with them? I had 2 failed IVF with Dra. Mira which was done at Dr. Fakih clinics and Dr. Ghina of Dr Fakih <em>edited by miralago on 08/08/2014</em>
Latest post on 28 April 2014 - 16:57
Hello Ladies, I wanted to share this with those of you that are feeling a lot like myself, overwhelmed and treated like a number at my fertility clinic. It's the Fertility Focus Telesummit hosted by Sarah Holland that is taking place over the next week. It is live from the UK at 8pm, however you can listen to the recordings up to 24 hours later. I have just replayed the introduction and can see that this is going to be very worthwhile. You do need to register first. It is free, there is no cost to listen in and ask the experts questions on your own fertility path. http://www.fertilityfocustelesummit.com Go ahead and take charge of your fertility journey and join us edited by LittleMissPerfect on 28/04/2014
Latest post on 27 April 2014 - 10:19
Hi Mral Awesome where are you doing it?
Latest post on 24 April 2014 - 11:38
Hey anyone getting ready to do ivf in May? Hi Dxbmum , I have done once last October which failed. I am planning to do it in May again,
Latest post on 23 April 2014 - 13:54
@ QB I know exactly what you are going through. I had a successful IVF pregnancy at Bourn Hall, and had nightmare stories at other Clinics in the Middle East. My case was very difficult though which I don't want to get into. It was the worst experience of my life, but luckily I found Dr. David was very knowledgeable knew exactly what it was and he treated it, but I I know someone that preferred Dr. Kayal because she's a woman. We want to have our second baby soon and will do it again with Bourn Hall IVF Clinic but money is a bit tight, and Dubai is so expensive! Please inbox me if you have more questions. <em>edited by ladyrola on 23/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 22 April 2014 - 23:21
Hi QB777 may I ask what is the problem why you cant conceive naturally? And with fakih u have failed ivf? I thought they have highest success rates
Latest post on 22 April 2014 - 21:42
Hi Anyone here have tried to do IVF with Bourne Hall and which doctor?? I have tried my IUI with DGFC with Dr. Wael--failed! Just finished my IVF with Dr. Ahmed Fakih yesterday and had the consultation today for the FAILED IVF. It has been such a long journey for us and we would like to try Bourne Hall but we do not know who is a better doctor?? Dr. Kayal or Dr. David??!! We do not have any resources left in the bank and having another IVF would cost us sooo much. really really frustrated now in what is happening and am really giving up. I don't really feel like trying to get pregnant anymore. My husband is the one who likes to really have kids and feeling the pressure of it I guess. Please advice who is the doctor to ask in Bourne Hall. I just to make my husband happy...Please HELP!
Latest post on 22 April 2014 - 20:05
any one here who tried Eve or Jwan Murad in Sharjah? any reviews about them?
Latest post on 19 April 2014 - 23:02
Hey anyone getting ready to do ivf in May?
Latest post on 15 April 2014 - 22:09
Hi All Im new to EW & came across this forum. Im about to start an IVF cycle with Bournhall but I am nervous about them. I had 2 IUIs with dr Pankaj at Conceive Sharjah but did not really like the clinic enough to do an IVF with them. Lack of personal attention, and privacy (eg mens room is quite putting off and right in the middle of the passage so you step in & out without any discreetion, after the retrieval, you are put on a bed with just a curtain in the passage etc). Ive been reading about Bournhal & Dr Fakih and picked Bournhall for now. Any tips from anyone or suggestions would be helpful. Dr David spent 55 mins w/ me onmy first consultation, which I felt good about. But Im just seeking more real life stories from anyone who has experience w/ him. Also a tad bit worried since they close on Fri/Sat so not sure how they manage timings if the key dates fall on the weekend.
Latest post on 14 April 2014 - 19:00
@Basma, Have you tried Dr. Diana Kayal or Dr. David at Bourn Hall Clinic Dubai? www.bournhall-clinic.ae Ask for Linda or Diane the patient care team there are really nice and caring, and I had a successful treatment there... GOOD LUCK.
Latest post on 16 March 2014 - 20:01
Hello everyone, I am planning to book an appointment at Fakih.. We still do not know which doctor is best to visit, I really need your help and your experience in this. The problem in our case is not from my side. Thank you Allah for everything.
Latest post on 12 March 2014 - 13:46
Hello. everyone.. i was searching clinics and doctors and other information regarding IVF on internet and found this thread a week ago, and every day i just scrol and read all your comments again and again for courage and help. Finally just now i called Fakih clinic and book my first appointment this sunday with Dr. Limia bcz Dr. Amal is no more there i hope she is good. i realy hope i also get through with all this and soon have a baby of my own in my hand :) please do pray for me and every lady who is going through this tough time right now..
Latest post on 17 February 2014 - 12:41
Hi Tasha, I am here to share some good experience. My best friend was trying to have a baby for almost 10 years , it was her 10th marriage anniversary and she had no child , but she had a track record of failing in 5 IVF cycles. This is when shewent to Jilla hospital , that was the only one that she could afford now and when she least expected it.... there she got pregnant in the 1st cycle.... so dont loose faith... its all about getting the right scientific guidance... This place is great , its just 6 to 7000 dhs including 15 days stay in the hospital and a private room. This cost also includes the medication. The staff there is extremely caring.... She felt loved happy after alooonggg time.... and she finally got a baby.... cant ask for anything more....
Latest post on 28 November 2013 - 13:35
No problem Tasha, keep positive and keep looking at the pics of the embryos and imagine them all nestling in and implanting :) Janet, good luck to you too in January! Baby dust to both of you xx
Latest post on 27 November 2013 - 21:20
Hi Tasha, I was initially successful but then had an early mc. We have now discovered what my problem is and I'm starting again in January. Very professional and veery happy with the clinic. I'm getting closer each time and not ready to give up. Good luck for you stay positive.. Lots if baby dust X Hi janetthegannett, how did your IUI go with Dr Lamia at Fakih? I had two FET yesterday and am doing my best to be positive and calm. This our first attempt after two rounds of Stimson and what seems like a lot of hurdles! Needing some positive energy Hey ladies had appt with dr lamia at fakih and I'm doing IUI this week hopefully when AF comes. For once can't wait to see it, we've been TTF or 5 years now Baby dust For please and you guys too Xx
Latest post on 27 November 2013 - 15:19
Thanks Mummabear, I really needed those words of encouragement. I feel like this has taken such a long time to get to this stage. I'm really trying my best to not over think everything. Which is most unlike me. I haven't watched 'The Secret' yet but will do, I've been taking it easy'ish' again another trait that I am not used to. I cannot stop looking at the pictures they gave me of the embryo's. :-) Hi Tashabegood, try to stay positive, I got pregnant with Dr Fakih with twins, I had two failed cycles with Conceive so when I went to dr Fakih I was feeling pretty low to say the least, their professionalism reinforced the confidence in me. You are in fantastic hands with the Fakih clinic, just sit back, relax and focus on positive thoughts that it will work. I even watched "the Secret" the day of transfer and made sure to watch lots of feel good funny tv. I also did some retail therapy a few days after transfer (nothing too hectic) and swear that I felt them implant at the cash counter! Lol.. I will be in your shoes next year again as we have three frozen embies :) Mb xx
Latest post on 27 November 2013 - 12:19
Hi Tashabegood, try to stay positive, I got pregnant with Dr Fakih with twins, I had two failed cycles with Conceive so when I went to dr Fakih I was feeling pretty low to say the least, their professionalism reinforced the confidence in me. You are in fantastic hands with the Fakih clinic, just sit back, relax and focus on positive thoughts that it will work. I even watched "the Secret" the day of transfer and made sure to watch lots of feel good funny tv. I also did some retail therapy a few days after transfer (nothing too hectic) and swear that I felt them implant at the cash counter! Lol.. I will be in your shoes next year again as we have three frozen embies :) Mb xx
Latest post on 26 November 2013 - 11:45
Anyone else got any good news to share?
Latest post on 26 November 2013 - 11:44
Hi janetthegannett, how did your IUI go with Dr Lamia at Fakih? I had two FET yesterday and am doing my best to be positive and calm. This our first attempt after two rounds of Stimson and what seems like a lot of hurdles! Needing some positive energy Hey ladies had appt with dr lamia at fakih and I'm doing IUI this week hopefully when AF comes. For once can't wait to see it, we've been TTF or 5 years now Baby dust For please and you guys too Xx
Latest post on 12 November 2013 - 16:00
Dr. David Robertson at Bourn Hall Clinic Dubai is the best. Me and my husband were so pleased with how they treated us. I got pregnant for the first time after trying for 10 years, Lebanon, and Jordan. . I initially went Faki because he is Lebanese and someone recommended him to me in Lebanon when I was living there about to move to Dubai, so I thought I would feel more comfortable, but we didn't like the environment. The minute we walked into Bourn Hall Clinic we knew we found the right place. They are seriously the best. I didnt want want to talk about my pregnancy before because I am superstitious but hopefully all goes well I am expecting in a couple of months and cant wait. We are even thinking of naming our son James, after the embryologist at Bourn Hall. He was so sweet and called us everyday during our treatment to tell us about the status of fertilization and embryos.
Latest post on 23 August 2013 - 09:55
Hey ladies I had appt with dr lamia at fakih and I'm doing IUI this week hopefully when AF comes. For once can't wait to see it, we've been TTF or 5 years now Baby dust For please and you guys too Xx
Latest post on 23 August 2013 - 09:55
Hey laces I had appt with dr lamia at fakih and I'm doing IUI this week hopefully when AF comes. For once can't wait to see it, we've been TTF or 5 years now Baby dust For please and you guys too Xx
Latest post on 21 August 2013 - 00:02
Hey Everyone, I am new to this site, best of luck to everyones who's ttc-ing... and congrats to everyone's who's pregnant.. hope we join you soon :) I know this thread has been inactive for a while but just had a query.. have any of you consulted with Ahmad Fakih, i had a consultation with him on 6th... when i tried to do some research, i found no posts about him and hes not even there in their website... so if anyone can give any info, it would be great! Benz 73, how did your consultation go? Hi, Thank you, It was quit good consultation. I did not ask many questions, because for me this is not new, i had IVF in Germany. so i am going to start in September. :) Hi T85, How are you ? Tomorrow i go to Fakih IVF and thank you for the price list. I would like to know about this clinic more. I hope this is a good one. We are going to do IVF the second time in Fakih IVF. The first time was in Germany and failed. Thank you in advance. <em>edited by Benz 73 on 21/08/2013</em>
Latest post on 13 August 2013 - 07:06
hi mammabear, I delivered at 34 weeks, week ago.i have to ask you so many things to help me takecare of the babies.Please tell me how long you were dischaeged from the hosp.what abt the LOs they stayed in nicu?what was the birth weight.for mine was 1.8kg.n please let me know how to handle such small baby n how long will it take for them to grow
Latest post on 12 August 2013 - 16:15
Hi fcorrea30, I totally get what you mean.. We had a miscarriage last year and have been trying to conceive naturally ever since.. its so stressful and every AF is a dagger to the heart :)... Fakih seems to be a good option because of high percentage of successful ivf's.. Its quiet expensive but I dont want to go through more heartbreaks with failed cycles and rather go for best option available. what worries me about the clinic is they (before doing any tests) suggested ivf and I had to specially ask if IUI is a possibility.. I mean dont they have to at least suggest some other measures before talking about IVF? was it the same for you?
Latest post on 12 August 2013 - 14:32
Hi, Sims 84, I'm also new to this... I've been to Dr. Fakih's clinic last may for some information.. Its so expensive all those Fertility Centers... I'm still working on my emotional side before I really do it! I was reading here some comments of 5th trial... and I don't see myself trying for that long or getting my heart broke this way... its crazy!... maybe this is the only thing that is holding me back... Come on... is not that easy even through IVF. if your egg is not good or not mature enough it will not fertilize, means not even hope.... i'm sooo confuse right now!
Latest post on 12 August 2013 - 14:10
Hey Everyone, I am new to this site, best of luck to everyones who's ttc-ing... and congrats to everyone's who's pregnant.. hope we join you soon :) I know this thread has been inactive for a while but just had a query.. have any of you consulted with Ahmad Fakih, i had a consultation with him on 6th... when i tried to do some research, i found no posts about him and hes not even there in their website... so if anyone can give any info, it would be great! Benz 73, how did your consultation go? Hi T85, How are you ? Tomorrow i go to Fakih IVF and thank you for the price list. I would like to know about this clinic more. I hope this is a good one. We are going to do IVF the second time in Fakih IVF. The first time was in Germany and failed. Thank you in advance.