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IVF in Dubai

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Latest post on 23 January 2013 - 19:32
Hello ladies, I am new on this forum, and planing to go see Dr Fahik in April, would love to meet other ladies in the same boat and to support each other during this dificult journey. Looking forward to get to know you all, My congratulation to all ladies blessed with a baby and please do go away I will all the info and advises you may have for me
Latest post on 22 January 2013 - 14:43
What a great idea, i have noticed that Fakih clinic on their website have links for a support group ... I already meet up with a couple of ladies i know out here through a fertility website in the UK, but definitely up to meeting. Will drop you an emai Roomy, thanks for offering to arrange x
Latest post on 22 January 2013 - 13:29
Roomy10 - this is a great idea and something that I have thought a lot about being needed here. I am in and will email you! THANK YOU.xx
Latest post on 22 January 2013 - 12:51
Hi Ladies, My husband and I have so many stories to tell about our IVF experiences in and out of Dubai and i felt there is a lacking of a IVF or (Hope for Baby) support groups in Dubai. It is mandatory in the UK and the US to be part of a support group while going through the IVF cycle. It is not mandatory here though but will be very benefitial. We can create a group, send out our message to the community , hold monthly meetings face to face and eventually invite doctors from the medical field to share with us their latest findings. If you are interested, please email me to [email protected]. I am ready to host our first get together! Looking forward!
Latest post on 06 January 2013 - 15:05
Hi Pal has anyone mentioned DHEA to you? It apparently helps improve egg quality. Please make sure you ask your doctor about it. Good Luck to you :) xx T85 - HUGE Congratulations. As fandrew said please do not worry about the low numbers as really it is the doubling that counts. My numbers were also very high when I last miscarried so it has nothing to do with it. Just relax and be happy. Such lovely news for the new year :) xx
Latest post on 05 January 2013 - 18:10
hi shardee I have had two failed IVFs (doing in India) and have a problem of low ovarian reserve. I went to DHTC before the first IVF for a month or so (10-12 sessions). 3 embryos out of 4 eggs. The quality of embryos was good, altgh implantation failure. Second time had a different IVF protocol and had only egg which did develop into an embryo but again IVF failed. Did not go for acupuncture for the 2nd one. I have again started going to Dubai herbal before third IVF in early Feb. Also trying to follow some stuff from The Infertility Cure book which is quite comprehensive and helpful. Available free on the net in case you have not seen it. Hope this helps. Best wishes to you
Latest post on 01 January 2013 - 17:04
@T85 - lots of baby dust to you... Hi Ladies, im new to the forum. ttc for past 3 years had recently had 2 failed ivfs due to bad eggs....both the times 7 ER but only 2 fert and made it to 3dt with worst grades ever. I have researched alot about improving egg quality through various Chinese meds and acupuncture. I have taken an appointment @ Dubai herbal and treatment centre and planning to go for 3-4 mnths acupuncture and meds course before my next ivf. My RE advised to move to DE but i want to give myself a fair chance before moving onto DE. Pls share any experiences on fertility acupuntire of DHTC if any...desparetly waiting for some reviews!!
Latest post on 31 December 2012 - 17:31
Has anyone taken these medications? inshAllah i have a little strong baby trying to stick and grow. good luck to all! @T85, Oh, such good news! I really hope the little one or two will stick! Continue to be positive and hopefully we'll hear a confirmed good news by next week. I was given crinone (vaginal cream) after the transfer and continued to use it up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Only that and the usual vit supplement. Will continue to pray for you and the baby! Have a happy new year everyone!
Latest post on 31 December 2012 - 15:04
Hi, thank you all for your support. I had my 2nd beta hcg today (9dp3dt) and it has risen to 12 :) which means there is implantation (ilhamdolilah - thank God). But the doctor told me im not out of the woods yet, and that she expects a higher value, and so has prescribed Prednisone (10mg) once a day and Aspirin (75mg) once a day. She says this will help implantation and increase blood circulation. Im worried about them causing any birth defects. Has anyone taken these medications? inshAllah i have a little strong baby trying to stick and grow. good luck to all!
Latest post on 30 December 2012 - 16:01
I would like to know when was your first beta hcg test and what were the results. Thanks in advance @T85, I'm so sorry you are feeling down. It is too early to test, I was told to go for my beta after 14 days. But I cheated and bought an HPT at 11 days and it was (-)! I left the HPT at the washroom for 10 mins and when I came back I found the faintest 2nd line. At 12th day I went for my beta and it was 500+, my doctor said, I was TOO MUCH pregnant, which worried me initially. I guess, its different for everyone. Just hang on a little bit more. We will pray for a better beta levels in two days.
Latest post on 30 December 2012 - 12:24
@Fandrew Thanks for your support and reply, and will be hopeful. Wishing you all the best.
Latest post on 30 December 2012 - 10:55
Hi ladies Hope all are well. Yesterday (7dp3dt) I was asked to come in for my first beta hcg test, my result was 3.3 (needs to be above 5 for a positive pregnancy). The nurse told me that is early to get a positive but it sometimes shows for 20% of people. She said it isn’t a bad number as it is not 0. Which means something is happening and that I need to come back in 2 days for another test. Also my estrogen decreased from 1000+ to 380 and progesterone went from 60 to 28 in 4 days. Of course when I got the news I started crying and getting depressed. Today I’m trying to be stronger and stay positive :) I would like to know when was your first beta hcg test and what were the results. Thanks in advance T85 first of all congratulations on your positive test. I tested on a stick before 7dp3dt and got a positive then two days later was brought in at this time for a blood test which was positive. My numbers were high and kept doubling but the nurses were quick to tell me that EVERYONE has different levels and numbers. We are all different and as long as it doubles it doesn't matter what your initial number was. It also has nothing to do with miscarriage possibilities in the future - as I sadly miscarried with very high numbers so please don't fret and fingers crossed!
Latest post on 30 December 2012 - 10:19
Hi ladies Hope all are well. Yesterday (7dp3dt) I was asked to come in for my first beta hcg test, my result was 3.3 (needs to be above 5 for a positive pregnancy). The nurse told me that is early to get a positive but it sometimes shows for 20% of people. She said it isn’t a bad number as it is not 0. Which means something is happening and that I need to come back in 2 days for another test. Also my estrogen decreased from 1000+ to 380 and progesterone went from 60 to 28 in 4 days. Of course when I got the news I started crying and getting depressed. Today I’m trying to be stronger and stay positive :) I would like to know when was your first beta hcg test and what were the results. Thanks in advance
Latest post on 23 December 2012 - 10:02
@che731 thank you for your reply.. i called the doctor she said she would like me to go and do a test incase its a unirary tract infection.. so now im hoping that the drive from sharjah to dubai will not affect... thanks again :)
Latest post on 23 December 2012 - 09:30
@T85, I did have menstrual like pains. But it was very mild and tolerable. Try not worry in the meantime since it is out of your hand. Just visualize them growing inside and bond with them. If you have a serious doubt, call your doctor. You are ALWAYS entitled for an answer and support. I'm really sorry I can't offer you more, I did this only once. My prayers will be with you in the coming days! :)
Latest post on 22 December 2012 - 20:05
Thank u @che731 Im a little worried... I was told to stay in bed so thats what i have been doing.. But now I'm having back pain and cramping.. Is this normal? Is it cuz i have been in bed all day? Im soooo worried... Did any of you go through this the same day of ET? I read online about having these symptoms but later on.. Not the same day... :( Thanks
Latest post on 22 December 2012 - 11:19
@T85, Good to hear that! I was just logging in to wish you good luck. Take it easy & relax.. Hoping one or more (if you want) sticks!
Latest post on 22 December 2012 - 11:13
hi everyone. i just got home from my ET. i have 3 embryos swimming inside :) the whole procedure didnt take 5 min. dr.fakih did it and he was very kind showing me on the ultasound whats happening and dr.amal was sittig beside me explaining and talking in a relaxing tone. when i finished they gave me a print of a picture of my embryos and a print of the ultasound when the embryos are inside.now i have to stay in bed for 2/3 days.. and to eat alot of protiens, even said have 6 egg whites a day. no carbs, dates and pineapples.. im soo excited. sticky thoughts and baby dust to all of us. <em>edited by T85 on 22/12/2012</em>
Latest post on 22 December 2012 - 09:13
Hi ladies thank you for your replies. @Fandrew . Is it safe to assume if i wait to day till day 5 and none survive that the same would have happened in the uterus? Or is being in the uterus , natural environment, might have a positive effect? Also why would anyone transfer on day 3 and wait for 2 weeks for a result they would know if they waited till day 5 for the transfer? Sooo many questions in my head... I pray that whatever happens its for the best. Thanks again The uterus is always a better environment, in fact the lab tries to recreate that environment by scraping bits of its cells during the retreival to place in the petri dish. Glad to hear you are off today for transfer, best of luck to you I am sending out prayers for you! In the final analysis IVF is not an exact science and doctors do not know a lot of reasons why some things work for some people or not for others or what would make an embryo arrest at 5 days but not 3 etc. Its always safe to put back whatever you have and go from there unless PGD is something you want to do - in which case day 5 is the best time frame to wait. Let us know how you go and good luck again!
Latest post on 22 December 2012 - 09:07
hi ladies. the embryologist called and said only 3 are fine today so he believes its better to transfer today. im on my way to the clinic. please pray for me and baby dust to all of us. thanks
Latest post on 21 December 2012 - 12:40
Hi ladies thank you for your replies. @Fandrew . Is it safe to assume if i wait to day till day 5 and none survive that the same would have happened in the uterus? Or is being in the uterus , natural environment, might have a positive effect? Also why would anyone transfer on day 3 and wait for 2 weeks for a result they would know if they waited till day 5 for the transfer? Sooo many questions in my head... I pray that whatever happens its for the best. Thanks again
Latest post on 20 December 2012 - 19:24
Hi about freezing I have asked in Fakih IVF, it is not done, only freezing of eggs and sperm. In Sharjah in 2 clinics they told me it is done as long as they have a valid reason, such as very low sperm count, low egg reserve, in my opinion we wouldn’t be going through IVF except if there is some reason so I wouldn’t worry about it. in summary yes they do embryo freezing in Sharjah. I have no information about Abu Dhabi. Ladies I have a question, I got a call from the clinic saying that they want to schedule my ET for Saturday (3 day) but after all my research online I prefer a 5-day transfer, they told me as I only have 4 fertilized till now 3 or 5 day doesn’t matter. But the embryologist said I will take your preference into account, on Saturday morning I will check the embryos and if they all look OK then we will keep them in the lab and do a 5-day transfer, but if only 2 or 3 look good then we will go ahead and transfer on Saturday. Now to the question… do you prefer a 3 day or 5 day transfer? And which did you actually do and was it a success ? thanks T85 I believe that some doctors feel that if the embryo will make it to 5 days it will make it in or out of the uterus to day 5 making the transfer day (3 or 5) a non issue. Keeping an embryo until day 5 for transfer in the lab is only really important in terms of doing PGD testing. Other doctors feel that transfering on day 5 yields better results because the embryo is more developed and not as fragile for transfer while other doctors feel that the only reason the results from 5 day transfer are higher is because the embryo is strong - thus survived until day 5 but would have done regardless of whether it was in uterus or lab. Does that make sense?
Latest post on 20 December 2012 - 19:18
@T85, My transfer was done 5 days after collection. I was not really given a choice. I have always thought it was 5. i hope someone went through the same situation and can offer you a good advise.
Latest post on 20 December 2012 - 17:49
Hi about freezing I have asked in Fakih IVF, it is not done, only freezing of eggs and sperm. In Sharjah in 2 clinics they told me it is done as long as they have a valid reason, such as very low sperm count, low egg reserve, in my opinion we wouldn’t be going through IVF except if there is some reason so I wouldn’t worry about it. in summary yes they do embryo freezing in Sharjah. I have no information about Abu Dhabi. Ladies I have a question, I got a call from the clinic saying that they want to schedule my ET for Saturday (3 day) but after all my research online I prefer a 5-day transfer, they told me as I only have 4 fertilized till now 3 or 5 day doesn’t matter. But the embryologist said I will take your preference into account, on Saturday morning I will check the embryos and if they all look OK then we will keep them in the lab and do a 5-day transfer, but if only 2 or 3 look good then we will go ahead and transfer on Saturday. Now to the question… do you prefer a 3 day or 5 day transfer? And which did you actually do and was it a success ? thanks
Latest post on 20 December 2012 - 15:07
Ah I see! Yes I am afraid there are no options really - especially not donating to someone else, that is why they outlawed freezing to begin with :-) If you want options you might want to find a clinic in Abu Dhabi or Sharjah. And good luck to you whichever route you choose!
Latest post on 20 December 2012 - 15:03
I have a question about IVF in Dubai... What are the options for the embryos that arent implanted??? I have not had a consult yet to ask about this and have read mixed things about it. Thanks Dubai has outlawed the freezing of embryos. There was a time when this was allowed but the courts now feel that frozen embryos interfere with the lineage. I believe Abu Dhabi still allows the freezing of embryos as does Sharjah but you will have to verify this. So unfortunately here in Dubai any that are not implanted will be destroyed. Thank you for that info, I would think that if anything Dubai would be against destroying them. Do you know if there is any other options like donating them for science.. etc??? I wonder if you do the IVF in Dubai if the embryos can be frozen somewhere else, like Sharjah, or even another country. Personally I am more interested in donationg than I am freezing though. While I am not an authority on this, I believe that the embryos must be "used" as it were in the same emirate in which they were created. Meaning, if you do IVF in dubai and create embryos after egg retrieval those emrbyos must remain in the dubai. I believe you must do the IVF in sharjah to be given the freedom under sharjah laws to freeze them. Donating to science? I am not sure I understand in what cases this would be done. I don't think the UAE is big on embryo/pregnancy/scientific IVF research :-) I know what you mean about the destruction and how odd it is that they would prefer that. Primarily it seems their concern is that that the embryos - while being housed for use at a future date - might become mixed up thereby implanting the embryo of one couple into the uterus of another. thanks again... as far as donating to science i dont know too much about it, was just reading it to be an option in the states, you can freeze, donate to another family donate to science, discard... there were many options. if we do the ivf i struggle with what to do with the left over embryos... so i was just curious what the options were here. thank you for your help :)
Latest post on 20 December 2012 - 14:56
I have a question about IVF in Dubai... What are the options for the embryos that arent implanted??? I have not had a consult yet to ask about this and have read mixed things about it. Thanks Dubai has outlawed the freezing of embryos. There was a time when this was allowed but the courts now feel that frozen embryos interfere with the lineage. I believe Abu Dhabi still allows the freezing of embryos as does Sharjah but you will have to verify this. So unfortunately here in Dubai any that are not implanted will be destroyed. Thank you for that info, I would think that if anything Dubai would be against destroying them. Do you know if there is any other options like donating them for science.. etc??? I wonder if you do the IVF in Dubai if the embryos can be frozen somewhere else, like Sharjah, or even another country. Personally I am more interested in donationg than I am freezing though. While I am not an authority on this, I believe that the embryos must be "used" as it were in the same emirate in which they were created. Meaning, if you do IVF in dubai and create embryos after egg retrieval those emrbyos must remain in the dubai. I believe you must do the IVF in sharjah to be given the freedom under sharjah laws to freeze them. Donating to science? I am not sure I understand in what cases this would be done. I don't think the UAE is big on embryo/pregnancy/scientific IVF research :-) I know what you mean about the destruction and how odd it is that they would prefer that. Primarily it seems their concern is that that the embryos - while being housed for use at a future date - might become mixed up thereby implanting the embryo of one couple into the uterus of another.
Latest post on 20 December 2012 - 14:12
I have a question about IVF in Dubai... What are the options for the embryos that arent implanted??? I have not had a consult yet to ask about this and have read mixed things about it. Thanks Dubai has outlawed the freezing of embryos. There was a time when this was allowed but the courts now feel that frozen embryos interfere with the lineage. I believe Abu Dhabi still allows the freezing of embryos as does Sharjah but you will have to verify this. So unfortunately here in Dubai any that are not implanted will be destroyed. Thank you for that info, I would think that if anything Dubai would be against destroying them. Do you know if there is any other options like donating them for science.. etc??? I wonder if you do the IVF in Dubai if the embryos can be frozen somewhere else, like Sharjah, or even another country. Personally I am more interested in donationg than I am freezing though.
Latest post on 20 December 2012 - 13:58
I have a question about IVF in Dubai... What are the options for the embryos that arent implanted??? I have not had a consult yet to ask about this and have read mixed things about it. Thanks Dubai has outlawed the freezing of embryos. There was a time when this was allowed but the courts now feel that frozen embryos interfere with the lineage. I believe Abu Dhabi still allows the freezing of embryos as does Sharjah but you will have to verify this. So unfortunately here in Dubai any that are not implanted will be destroyed.
Latest post on 20 December 2012 - 13:50
I have a question about IVF in Dubai... What are the options for the embryos that arent implanted??? I have not had a consult yet to ask about this and have read mixed things about it. Thanks