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IVF in Dubai

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Latest post on 02 August 2013 - 22:42
Hi T85, How are you ? Tomorrow i go to Fakih IVF and thank you for the price list. I would like to know about this clinic more. I hope this is a good one. We are going to do IVF the second time in Fakih IVF. The first time was in Germany and failed. Thank you in advance. Hi everyone. Thank you all for your wishes. I thought to provide some information after my experience Regarding the payments, as mentioned earlier I went with Al Fakih Clinic. Our payments were: Initial consultation, ultrasound, SA and blood tests – nearly 3000 Dhs IVF treatment – 28000 Dhs Paid for 1 betaHCG, progesterone and estrogen level test – 600 Dhs 1st ultrasound – 300 Dhs 2nd ultrasound – 500 Dhs (different machine) 3rd ultrasound – 450 Dhs 4th ultrasound – 500 Dhs So in total we paid around 33,000 Dhs to Al Fakih clinic directly We also had to get other medicines estimated cost – 2,000 Dhs •Antibiotics – around 200 (this is an assumption as I lost the receipt) •Progesterone (each pack is 78 dhs and has 15 – 3 a day – for around 13 weeks) so in total require 19 boxes – 1,482 Dhs •Estrogen (each pack is 17 dhs and has 11- 3 a day for around 13 weeks ) – so in total require 26 boxes – 442 Dhs •Aspirin (each pack is 25 dhs - 3 a day) – in total required 1 box – 25Dhs So IVF has cost us an approximate of 35,000 Dhs. This breakdown just so those who are thinking of going through IVF have an idea of the TOTAL cost, a lot of hidden extras. However, I would like everyone to know once I heard the heartbeat for the time I felt nothing can be more valuable in this whole world. I am so thankful that to date everything is going fine ilhamdolilah. I wish all those who have to go through IVF a successful story and that may we all be blessed with healthy children. If anyone would like any other information please feel free to ask on this thread or send me a msg. <em>edited by Benz 73 on 02/08/2013</em>
Latest post on 16 June 2013 - 09:45
Hey sakn thanks about the heads up on Brazil nuts and all. Will keep that in mind. Just wanted to know if anyone else experienced period like pains during first two wks of injections. I'm only on day nine and take menopur 300 in the morning and then follitrop and decapeptyl at night (I'm on the short protocol) This is my fifth ivf and usually I just sail through it. This time I have constant period like pains and need to take painkillers every four hours to get thru the day! My meds have bn increased this time so that may b it....lets hope the result will be worth it in the end;) Anyone else on short protocol? Babylover I am having the treatment at DGFC. First three were in London. @plumtree I have just been told that when we go for our second round I will be on a short protocol. Noticed that you were also on this. Can I ask do you get the feeling that its been a bit of try this then try that as apposed to really listening/diagnosing a plan for individual cases? We have two frosties on ice, however I have cysts now due to the stim's so not ready for implantation this month. Has been suggested that we should go for a second round to secure more eggs that mature fully on the short protocol. Then hopefully implant following that cycle and freeze extra eggs, but who's to say I won't develop more cysts and won't be able to implant straight away too. I'm also worrying that the freezing and thawing will damage our gold dust.
Latest post on 12 June 2013 - 18:54
Hi Tashabegood This is really a personal choice but I have been in your position twice and each time have gone for another cycle straight away as I just felt I was wasting time and opportunity if not. For me it was beneficial as I managed to bank some frosties. I also find that the waiting game of when you can next take action with something is unberable so it gave me a feeling that I was doing my absolute best to try and make things work. Very best of luck to you xxx @confusion thank you for replying. I came on a few hours after my post and it has reassured me that going for our second cycle is the right decision for us. I really want to optimise the quality of eggs that we have ready for implantation. Am not relishing the meds and the side affects but needs must in my case! Quite worried about over stimulation though. God willing we will have a better result with egg retrieval next time round.
Latest post on 12 June 2013 - 13:35
Hi Tashabegood This is really a personal choice but I have been in your position twice and each time have gone for another cycle straight away as I just felt I was wasting time and opportunity if not. For me it was beneficial as I managed to bank some frosties. I also find that the waiting game of when you can next take action with something is unberable so it gave me a feeling that I was doing my absolute best to try and make things work. Very best of luck to you xxx
Latest post on 12 June 2013 - 09:50
Hi Ladies just after some advice/reassurances/luck really! Completed first cycle, 6 eggs retrieved of which 2 have matured, 1 is better quality. Have been advised that my lining is not thick enough for implantation and to wait until next month. My question is do we go for another stimulation cycle to retrieve more eggs straight away? We were hoping that we would retrieve many more high quality eggs in one cycle and be able to freeze them. Anxiously waiting for my menstrual cycle - which apparently is meant to be 14 days. My body is so confused I've had sore b**a£ts the entire cycle I've forgotten what normal feel's like! @lilmiss how are you doing? I know you went straight on to your 2nd cycle straight away, any advice you can share? Hope all is well
Latest post on 28 May 2013 - 11:05
Hey sakn thanks about the heads up on Brazil nuts and all. Will keep that in mind. Just wanted to know if anyone else experienced period like pains during first two wks of injections. I'm only on day nine and take menopur 300 in the morning and then follitrop and decapeptyl at night (I'm on the short protocol) This is my fifth ivf and usually I just sail through it. This time I have constant period like pains and need to take painkillers every four hours to get thru the day! My meds have bn increased this time so that may b it....lets hope the result will be worth it in the end;) Anyone else on short protocol? Babylover I am having the treatment at DGFC. First three were in London.
Latest post on 26 May 2013 - 18:05
n ofcourse be on low carb diet,it helps.
Latest post on 26 May 2013 - 18:04
Hey all on ivf,dont forget to eat 7 brazil nuts daily after embryo transfer,It has selenium n that helps in embryo attachment.can be bought from spinneys. n have high protein diet when on injections.
Latest post on 25 May 2013 - 20:27
Hey Ladies, Im back on round 2 directly after my first fail..- wishing other ladies who are also cycling just now, very good luck. my medication is only slightly different this time, last time it was 300 gonal f in the first week, this time they have gonal F 300, (150 twice per day) and menapor 75 once per day, Last time they just straight switched the gonal f to the menapour. really praying hard for myself and other going through the same
Latest post on 22 May 2013 - 03:08
Hi plum tree First I wish you the best of luck for this journey, Hope you will get soon positive result and you will with your cutest baby, I am sending you lot of love and positive thoughts, take care and be positive, and share your feelings with your friends and husband, this will help to reduce stress Where are you doing your treatment? I was with fakih, may be we will start our second cycle in July, best of luck again
Latest post on 21 May 2013 - 18:37
I'm back girls...starting first injection tonite! ( last year December IVF ended in no pregnancy) This will be my fifth go-sigh! @ lilmiss when you want to try again depends on when u feel ready again. Though the doc said I could 'have a go' (!) again after two months it has in the end taken me five to feel I can physically AND emotionally let myself thru another try. @Babylover My heart goes out to you. Hope u feel better soon. It can feel bit unfair sometimes how easily some people get pregnant! Here's hoping our dreams will come true real soon too. Hang in there:) @micka. Hope all works out great all the way thru this time. <em>edited by Plum Tree on 21/05/2013</em>
Latest post on 21 May 2013 - 01:37
Hi Micka, How are you ? And how is your second cycle going? Wishing you all the best, We are not doing Ivf in this month because last month I conceived naturally with ovulation injection and faced another early miscarriage but this time my pain is more and more, I cried a lot why this happen with me? Why my friends pregnant easily and deliver healthy babies and what is wrong with me? A lot of questions I do not know when my dream will true, but every day I pray for all ladies who is facing infertility and I can understand this infertility pain. <em>edited by Babylover on 21/05/2013</em>
Latest post on 20 May 2013 - 16:26
Hi Ladies, Just had my First IVF fail was wondering if you went directly for another round on the next cycle ?
Latest post on 02 May 2013 - 20:08
hi Mummabear, hope you n the lo's are doing well.I am 21weeks today.MashAllah. Ok i have pains here n there.Like sometimes a bit above the navel. i am on bed most of the time n when i get up i have pain on the left and right side of navel. n i have pain sometimes near the ribs on one side.n have sometimes pain with bowel movements.is all this normal.hope to hear from u soon.
Latest post on 01 May 2013 - 00:33
Hello Baby lover, Like you am starting my second cycle on May, my first one failed just for bad luck everything was fine but didnt work, I think there is not secret for a successful IVF but I read acupuncture helps, maybe you can try to mix it up, in the mid time I wish u Luck and a beautiful baby. Hi T85 First of all congratulation for your pregnancy, don't worry you will deliver healthy baby soon inshallah Hi everyone I am planning for second round of ivf in may, I need some suggestion for successful cycle because in first round I Concieved and every thing was ok , but miscarried , so now I am very afraid what happen this time, plz help me how to prepare myself?
Latest post on 26 April 2013 - 18:56
lilmiss: In case you have not joined already, there is a IVF support group recently started by one of the stellar ladies on the forum. We have had few get togethers till now which have been very helpful. You can get in touch with her on [email protected].
Latest post on 21 April 2013 - 16:29
Hey, Looking for support groups for IVF, we are on our first attempt, on CD7, starting FHS, just looking for friendships with other women ging through the same :)
Latest post on 14 March 2013 - 20:26
Hi sakn, I was on the osteocare without iron, but took an additional iron tablet plus pregnacare so sure it is fine, just double check with your dr if you are worried. Regarding weight I put on 13 kilos, when I delivered I lost 8 straight away with the babies/placenta and fluid etc and then had 5 kilos to lose which came off pretty quick with expressing milk and running around after them, still want to lose a bit more tho - like we all do :) how are you? Are you showing now, hope you are feeling ok :) Quicksilver - glad you are excited, I wish you the best of luck and sending you lots of positive thoughts! Btw eat lots of quinoa - the superfood- think this helped me loads! Goodluck babylover and to all the ladies starting the IVF journey soon - remember if your feeling rough through the Ivf, it will all be worth it in the end and you have your baby - Ivf is a very wonderful thing! Mb xxx <em>edited by Mummabear on 14/03/2013</em>
Latest post on 14 March 2013 - 13:24
I have been following everyone on here as always, such great info! I finally went to Fahik last week to have an ultrasound and blood tests, all which were fine and so is my DHs sample fine too. We have been trying for over 8 years and I am now 41 so I am now taking Pregnacare, folic acid, royal jelly and Coq10 400mg and my DH is taking Coq10 also - I will spend the next 2 months doing a fertility diet and then we will start IVF in May - I have decided to do natural IVF - very excited and can't wait - Good luck to everyone else and a huge sprinkle of baby dust for us all!....
Latest post on 12 March 2013 - 00:35
Hi T85 First of all congratulation for your pregnancy, don't worry you will deliver healthy baby soon inshallah Hi everyone I am planning for second round of ivf in may, I need some suggestion for successful cycle because in first round I Concieved and every thing was ok , but miscarried , so now I am very afraid what happen this time, plz help me how to prepare myself?
Latest post on 11 March 2013 - 17:22
Hi hopingblu. you are correct if the PGD was conducted then there is no worry about down syndrome, however we did not do PGD (an extra 10,000 Dhs which we could not afford). I did the NT Scan and the result was fine Thanks to Allah. This was my first IVF, and this forum was a great source of information, so I thank all those who posted and replied. Regarding egg quality I didnt take anything extra other than prenatal vitamins (pregnance plus) and the doctors didnt tell me anything. However after researching online, i have come to know it is important to increase your protien intake (egg whites was recommended). Wishing you all the best. Good luck to all of us!
Latest post on 09 March 2013 - 11:50
Hi Mammabear, hope you are doing well n the little ones fine too. I started osteocare n haemofer(iron+folic acid).Do u think i can have pregnacare with this?As pregnacare contains all these again.One tab of osteocare,right? I started more protein.N i am taking kellogs all bran.but i read vit A on that too,Is that ok??? How much you gained in your preg,n in the start or towards the end. Would be looking forward to your reply.
Latest post on 06 March 2013 - 19:02
Hi T85 Congrats on your pregnancy. From what I have been readin gin regards to IVF they say that if you do PGD you wont need the down syndronme test. Hope everything goes well with your exames. good luck If dont mind me asking was it your first ivf cycle? did you take any suplement to improve you egg quality?
Latest post on 25 February 2013 - 21:57
Thank you fandrew for your wishes. The doctor im referring to is a new doctor i went to, i have graduated from al fakih clinic! This new doctor at a different hospital has said that ivf babies should do an ultrasound scan that test for down syndrome , i think its called an NT Scan. This is what i gathered online. Her reasoning is that the eggs arent of the best quality and so the risk is higher. This came up because i have done 5 ultrasounds already and im worried incase the continous scanning may harm the baby. She said its upto me to decide but she recommends it. Another question, are there any doctors that you would recommend for ivf pregnancies? I have read on this site about some but i don't know if there is a doctor who would treat ivf pregnancies with more care.. And also this doctor said that insurance will not cover ivf pregnancies and so we should not mention it again..did anyone hear about this before? Thanks edited by T85 on 25/02/2013 Hi again T85. I misunderstood your post. We are talking about two different tests. The NT scan is a non invasive, totally harmless scan of your baby's body parts done via ultrasound which gives you odds as to the likelihood that your child has a problem. So for instance the doctor will take careful detailed photos of the baby's nose, its distance in relation to the chin and forehead and the size of the nuchal fluid behind the baby's head. All of these are physical characteristics of SOME trisomies and abnormalities. Once the doctor has evaluated these photos he/she will combine those results with your age and give you odds of your child having a problem. So for instance your result will read : the baby has a 1 in 2000 chance of having a problem OR the baby has a 1 in 200 chances of having a problem. If your odds are not good the doctor will then suggest a CVS or Amnio (which are the tests I referred to in my initial response). These tests prove within a fail rate of 1% (so in other words they are 99% accurate) in telling you whether your child is perfectly healthy or not. The upside of these tests is that they are 99% accurate in telling you the health of your baby - the downside is that they are invasive and carry a 2% risk of miscarriage. That 2% risk however can largely be attributed to the skill of the doctor - someone who does these tests all the time are very skilled and those who do not may make a mistake - along with statistics that include miscarriages that have occurred after the test that are a result of the baby naturally miscarrying and not due to the test itself. However, no one can know - and this is the problem. On one hand the NT scan is totally safe but the results are not very accurate or rather certain and then on the other hand the accurate tests are not totally safe and carry a risk of miscarriage. If you want an opinion mine would be to absolutely do the NT scan - there is no risk to the baby of that - and if the results are not favorable go on to have a CVS. With regard to doctors just for "IVF babies" I have never heard of this. Once you "graduate" as you say to a normal OB/GYN there is no distinction made between a natural pregnancy and one achieved through IVF. Or at least not in my country or that I have ever heard of. I also find it curious that this doctor says IVF babies are not as good quality and carry higher risks - but then I am not a doctor so I defer to them. If that is true that the NT scan is definitely the way to go (though personally I question this statement). All head decisions but in the end I am sure you will be fine - good luck!
Latest post on 25 February 2013 - 20:50
Thank you fandrew for your wishes. The doctor im referring to is a new doctor i went to, i have graduated from al fakih clinic! This new doctor at a different hospital has said that ivf babies should do an ultrasound scan that test for down syndrome , i think its called an NT Scan. This is what i gathered online. Her reasoning is that the eggs arent of the best quality and so the risk is higher. This came up because i have done 5 ultrasounds already and im worried incase the continous scanning may harm the baby. She said its upto me to decide but she recommends it. Another question, are there any doctors that you would recommend for ivf pregnancies? I have read on this site about some but i don't know if there is a doctor who would treat ivf pregnancies with more care.. And also this doctor said that insurance will not cover ivf pregnancies and so we should not mention it again..did anyone hear about this before? Thanks <em>edited by T85 on 25/02/2013</em>
Latest post on 25 February 2013 - 19:26
@T85, Hi i had ivf twice.my doc at conceive never recommended this, i never had this test.
Latest post on 25 February 2013 - 17:43
Hi T85! First of all thank heavens and blessings for your continued pregnancy! I have never heard that "IVF babies" despite age should have the CVS or Amnio tests for abnormalities but I can attest that we did it and would do it again. The test itself can be painful for some (it was for me) but many others I have spoken to said it was nothing more than a shot. In terms of associated risk it is really minimal and depends entirely on the skill of the doctor who performs it. The iranian man, Dr. Pour Mirza, is considered the best here in Dubai and I would advise you see him. I suppose the decision to have the test is a personal choice depending on what you would do with whatever the result may be. I will stress again that the 2% miscarriage rate is difficult to quantify as it includes not only those doctors who are inexperienced in performing the test but also - and this is the most important factor - those pregnancies that would have miscarried due to abnormalities regardless of whether the test was done or not. <em>edited by fandrew on 25/02/2013</em>
Latest post on 24 February 2013 - 18:00
Hi everyone I wanted to know if any of you have down the test for down syndrome? My doctor has said that IVF babies should have it done no matter the age of the mother. I feel after all we have gone through this is another huge thing to go through. Would love any feedback. Thanks in advance
Latest post on 24 February 2013 - 17:58
Hi everyone. Thank you all for your wishes. I thought to provide some information after my experience Regarding the payments, as mentioned earlier I went with Al Fakih Clinic. Our payments were: Initial consultation, ultrasound, SA and blood tests – nearly 3000 Dhs IVF treatment – 28000 Dhs Paid for 1 betaHCG, progesterone and estrogen level test – 600 Dhs 1st ultrasound – 300 Dhs 2nd ultrasound – 500 Dhs (different machine) 3rd ultrasound – 450 Dhs 4th ultrasound – 500 Dhs So in total we paid around 33,000 Dhs to Al Fakih clinic directly We also had to get other medicines estimated cost – 2,000 Dhs •Antibiotics – around 200 (this is an assumption as I lost the receipt) •Progesterone (each pack is 78 dhs and has 15 – 3 a day – for around 13 weeks) so in total require 19 boxes – 1,482 Dhs •Estrogen (each pack is 17 dhs and has 11- 3 a day for around 13 weeks ) – so in total require 26 boxes – 442 Dhs •Aspirin (each pack is 25 dhs - 3 a day) – in total required 1 box – 25Dhs So IVF has cost us an approximate of 35,000 Dhs. This breakdown just so those who are thinking of going through IVF have an idea of the TOTAL cost, a lot of hidden extras. However, I would like everyone to know once I heard the heartbeat for the time I felt nothing can be more valuable in this whole world. I am so thankful that to date everything is going fine ilhamdolilah. I wish all those who have to go through IVF a successful story and that may we all be blessed with healthy children. If anyone would like any other information please feel free to ask on this thread or send me a msg.
Latest post on 19 February 2013 - 18:42
I used cyclogest to about 13 weeks and then started again later on till the very end as dr said it was the same as the stitch, and progyluton had no tests think all clinics give it, can't remember how long I took it for but wasn't the whole pregnancy, maybe 13 weeks.. X <em>edited by Mummabear on 19/02/2013</em>