How to Look 10 Years Younger With Forever Young BBL |

How to Look 10 Years Younger With Forever Young BBL

Turn back the clock on the appearance of aging skin at Dr. Kamil Al Rustom Skin and Laser Centre Dubai.

Look Years Younger with BBL Forever Young

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Scientists and dermatologists in Stanford University – USA have done two extensive studies about BBL Forever Young.

They found out that BBL delays skin aging by affecting the genes responsible for the aged skin cells. After 3 sessions with one month interval in between, BBL was able to rejuvenate the genes in these cells, and make them behave more like youthful cells as if the patients were in their twenties.

The second study was about the long-term effect of BBL Forever Young. The scientists found out that BBL essentially slows down or stops the visual aging process just by performing 2 to 4 treatments per year.

Effects of BBL

Basically, the main effects of BBL are tightening of the skin, rejuvenation and treatment of wrinkles but also within its broad range of wavelengths BBL can provide targeted treatment for many skin conditions:

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Sun Damage
  • Rosacea
  • Broken Capillaries
  • Age/brown spots
  • Freckles
  • Red or Ruddy Skin

BBL Forever Young™ is a highly versatile treatment that can be used safely to treat the face, neck, chest, back, and hands. In summary, it is the recommended secret to looking younger forever.

BBL Forever Young treatment in Dubai

How does BBL work?

BBL uses low-frequency photo thermal energy that safely and gently heat deep layers of the skin.

Damaged cells absorb this energy and are stimulated to generate new collagen – an important building block of healthy-looking skin.

BBL uses a broad range of energy wavelengths to allow for more complete improvements and evenly treated skin.

A thermoelectric monitoring system adjusts the temperature during the procedure, eliminating the need for pain medication and ensuring that you remain comfortable during the treatment.

Is the BBL Forever Young treatment painful?

The BBL treatment is very gentle and requires minimal downtime. No anesthesia is needed, but you will be provided with eyewear for protection during the procedure.

What to expect during the session?

Your treatment provider will apply the BBL hand piece to your skin and deliver precise pulses of light energy to the treatment areas.

This can produce a light stinging sensation that is usually well-tolerated by most people. The time consumed is dependent on the space of the treated area.

What is involved in Forever Young BBL treatments in Dubai?

Each treatment takes approximately 15-30 minutes.

Immediately following a treatment, the skin may appear more red and flushed and the brown spots generally appear slightly darker. Over the next several days, the brown spots darken and then subsequently "flake off".

Best BBL Forever Young treatment in Dubai

Any special recommendations after the treatment?

You will be asked to wear sunscreen with SPF50 or higher for several weeks after the treatment in order to protect your skin as it heals.

The skin may appear flushed for a few days after BBL and certain dark spots may become darker. This can be covered with makeup and will resolve within about 10 to 14 days.

Within a few weeks, your skin will look brighter, clearer, and more youthful. Your skin can be further improved with subsequent BBL sessions, usually between 3 and 5.

When will I see results after BBL treatment?

Even after your first treatment, your skin may already begin to feel smoother and will have a more even tone.

Improvement is gradual and will continue to be more visible after each treatment. Many individuals experience dramatic results only after 1-2 treatments. Some patients will benefit from additional maintenance treatments.

What are the benefits of Forever Young BBL?

  • Zero downtime – Patients resume normal activities immediately.
  • Long lasting results – Studies include patients treated 10+ years ago.
  • Fast treatment – Average treatment time of 12-15 minutes for a full face.
  • Effective on all body areas – Face, neck, chest, arms, hands and legs.

How much does BBL Forever Young cost in Dubai?

At Dr. Kamil Al Rustom Skin & Laser Centre, BBL Forever Young for the face costs AED 1500; and AED 2500 for both the face and neck.

The centre offers a complimentary consultation to check if you are a right candidate for BBL Forever Young. Inquire below!

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