Moving to Muscat - driving instructor in Seeb/Al Hail area? |

Moving to Muscat - driving instructor in Seeb/Al Hail area?

Latest post on 10 December 2013 - 07:18

Hi everyone,
my husband, our 11 month old son and myself are moving from Dubai to Muscat in January and I am BEYOND excited. We have visited Oman several times and when an opportunity for my husband came up we just jumped at it. I honestly can't wait. We'll be living in Seeb or Al Hail as husband will be working in Seeb. My most pressing issue is that I don't have a driver's license. Here in the UAE I have managed with public transport and taxis, but I know in Muscat having a car is really convenient especially since I always have my son with me who needs a car seat etc. Can anyone recommend a driving instructor or school? I want to start lessons as soon as arrive, which will be half January. It would be really helpful to have some names/numbers lined up, and my searches online haven't yielded very much. Thanks in advance!

Latest post on 16 December 2013 - 12:25
Ok, its Ali and his number is and its good to hear you wont be living in Seeb, yes its a nice place but living there is a different thing completely. <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 16/12/2013</em>
Latest post on 16 December 2013 - 09:26
Thanks for your reply. Yes I have been to Seeb and liked it. As it turns out though we'll be living at the Wave since old friends of ours are landlords there and one of their properties is becoming available right after we move, and they're offering us an amazing deal rent wise. My son is not in nursery and won't be for the foreseeable future. I realize schools are far away but we won't have to worry about that for another 2.5/3 years at least. If you could get back to me with the driving instructor's details I would be very grateful. Thanks!
Latest post on 16 December 2013 - 07:52
I will get you the name and number of the instructor who's just got my European daughter in law through her test, and almost got my daughters maid through hers - she should get there next week. But just one more thing, re where you are going to live - Seeb? Have you been to Seeb, and just where in Seeb do you mean? Al Hail - there are two parts of Al Hail, South and North, there's desirable and non-desirable areas/streets in both so please be careful. Another area to consider is Mawaleh - it stretches behind City Centre and is next to Al Hail South, Al Hail North is on the beach side of the highway. And keep in mind that to get to the schools downtown in the morning you would be talking about a 6.10 am departure from the house, even from The Wave, in order to avoid traffic. Nursery - if your little boy is on nursery there really is only one to chose from in the area, its owned by a Welsh lady and is situated outside The Wave. Truth be told you really are making life quite difficult for yourself by living beyond The Wave. <em>edited by DesertRose1958 on 16/12/2013</em>