Laws and Red Tape |

Laws and Red Tape

Dubai Police warning on free online games
Do your kids play games like Candy Crush? You need to read this warning…
No increase for private school fees in Dubai
Good news for parents in Dubai…
Regulations for Minors Travelling to the UAE
Here's the travel advice to need to know for children entering the UAE…
Slime Toys in UAE Recalled by ESMA
ESMA recalls three different types of slime toys for non-compliance in the UAE
VAT In UAE: Where Will Parents Be Most Affected
Here is how VAT impacts education and healthcare services...
The Laws on Nanny Cams in Dubai and Where to Buy Them
Thinking of getting a nanny cam while living in Dubai? Here's what to know
Maternity and Paternity Leave Laws in the UAE
Where does the UAE stand on maternity and paternity leave for parents?
Information on maternity insurance in the UAE
Know your options before considering having a baby...
Custody laws and custodial rights of children in the UAE
It's important that parents understand the custodial rights of children in the UAE
Termination in the UAE: What The Law Says
Discover what the laws of the UAE says when it comes to terminating a pregnancy
Tuitions in the UAE may be impacted by VAT
Educating your children in the UAE may get even more expensive.
All Dubai Taxis Now Need To Have Car Seats For Children
Ubers and Careems included!
How To Register Your Baby's Birth In Dubai
A checklist of all the documents you need.