Your precious little one is not so little anymore
Remember the life B.C (Before children), no? We don’t blame you. It has been a whole year of non-stop babbles, diapers and bottles — and let’s admit it – you won’t have it any other way.
Your precious little one is not so little anymore. They’ve finally graduated to a toddler status. They may not be walking without any support yet and that’s totally OK (the average walking age is 13 months).
Every child grows at his/her own pace. Some babies teeter and totter for months while other just get up on those two little chubby legs and walk. Your baby will combine crawling and furniture cruising till they build the confident enough to support themselves.
Their first birthday calls for a lot of milestones. You’ll notice that your bonding time is becoming a mutual effort. Communication is becoming two-ways. Don’t be surprised if you see them babbling and sharing their secrets with their stuffed toys.