Your baby is ready for some socialising.

Your 10 months old little ninja is thriving on the new found freedom of the crawling world. This stage will bring a lot of Kodak moments for you as your baby will constantly amaze you with new firsts every day. Babies at this age can crawl, cruise, squat and babble.
They need more than just pureed food and milk to stay active and it’s ideal to add some flavour to their food. Finger foods like lightly toasted bread or bagels, small pieces of ripe banana, spiral pasta, teething crackers, or low-sugar, O-shaped cereal – all work great for their appetite and curiosity.
You will also notice some changes in their sleeping schedule. They’re most probably down to one nap during the day which means they’ll sleep tight during the night.
As they inch closer towards two big milestones - walking and talking – you’ll notice them socialising with other family members. Your baby's babbling are sounding more like real words. The more you show interest in what he has to say, the more he’ll keep talking.