Grunts, gurgles and smiles.

Life before parenthood seems like a distant memory of the past. As you adjust to the newer roles in life, it will be hard for you to remember a time sans diapers, dirty clothes and midnight wake-up calls. This new found bond with your little one will bring a lot of grunts, gurgles and smiles for both of you.
The sixth week since birth is also a good time to take an update on his/her growth and development. A perfectly healthy baby should have gained between 500 grammes – 1 kilogramme. There’s nothing to worry if they haven’t. Every child is individual and grows at his/her own pace.
It’s probably time to crack open a new size of baby grows: if the newborn sizes are looking stretched or tighter (especially at the feet) it’s time for a change. It’s not good for their foot and leg development to be stuck in clothes that don’t fit.