7 year old | EWmums.com

7 year old

Your child's beginning to experience more of the world outside the family

At the age of 7, you'll find your daughter or son are beginning to become increasingly involved in the world beyond the comfort of home; from school clubs, hobbies, sporting activities and friendships, their independence is still increasing and now's the time that their confidence in their abilities will be established.

7 year old milestones by EWmums

By 7 years old, you'll find your child is rapidly developing their physical, cognitive and social skills again, as they're constantly learning both at home and beyond.

Here's what you can expect to see from your 7 year old daughter or son now.

Physical Milestones

Your child should now have well-developed coordination, and will no doubt be FULL of energy as they become keen to show off their physical abilities. Here's what to expect:

  • Throw, catch and kick a ball
  • Ride a two-wheeled bicycle
  • Perform manoeuvres like handstands
  • Be enthusiastic for activities like climbing, swimming, dancing, sports etc.
  • Dress themselves with ease
  • Write clearly
  • Use scissors
  • Enjoy model-making, painting, drawing and craft-work etc.
  • Language Milestones

    Now your child should have mastered most speech sounds, and will be able to talk fluently without issue. What else?

  • Describe common objects and explain their use
  • Follow instructions with three parts easily
  • Hold long conversations
  • Tell jokes, copy accents
  • Understand and use opposing terms like start/finish etc.
  • Cognitive Milestones

    A child's mental skills develop rapidly at this age, and so you will no doubt see huge advances in their cognitive skills. Including:

  • Read by themselves
  • Appreciate age-appropriate books
  • Write quite a few words now
  • Copy more complex shapes
  • Use symbols like &, + or =
  • Artwork has more meaning and detail
  • Tell the time on an analogue clock within a quarter of an hour
  • Emotional and Social Milestones

    Friendships at this age mean a great deal to your 7 year old son or daughter. By this age, they are now keen to be liked and accepted by friends, and these relationships are of huge importance to them. Here's what else you may observe in their emotional and social developments:

  • Strong bonds with friends formed
  • Supportive of other children
  • May have a best friend
  • Group play with the same gender
  • Take turn and play cooperatively
  • Play board games and understand rules (and may bend the rules if able to!)
  • Appreciate reality
  • May stop believing in traditions e.g. Santa, or the Easter Bunny
  • May begin to worry more
  • More developed fears of monsters or threats they fear
  • Using Technology

    While there are varied views between parents on what age your child should be exposed to technology, in this day and age it's difficult for parents to prevent them from using it entirely. There's no doubt that the influence of computers and video games will begin to increase in your child's life, at home and in school.

    If you do decide to allow access to a computer or tablet a home, our advice is to keep it in the family area, and ensure suitable parental controls are installed to ensure they're not viewing unsuitable materials on the Internet. If they have a smartphone, make sure that the relevant app permissions are installed, too.

    It's inevitable that your child will use TV, computers, video games and other devices more nowadays, and while a lot of it is generally informative or can help to stimulate their imagination and hand-eye coordination, too much can limit other mental and social activities.

    Remember - always in moderation! And limit screen time on a daily basis for your child.

    Advice for Parents

    As your 7 year old is increasingly active and independent nowadays, it's vital that as their parent(s) you make sure to teach them valuable safety messages, and ensure that they are understood and retained.

    This might include things like watching for traffic when walking, or when cycling... Crossing the road... Taking care near water... Avoiding approaches from strangers... Or how to ask for help from an adult when needed.

    But of course, always supervise your child near water or by roads, or when they're swimming. And make sure they have the appropriate safety gear when engaging in activities like cycling.

    While your son or daughter may be more independent now, that doesn't mean you should dismiss important family time altogether. Make time each day to sit and read together, which will provide opportunity for your child to both bond with you, and continue to develop their cognitive and language skills. You may find they'll open up to you about their day, their hopes, dreams and plans for the future during these precious moments between parent and child.

    Warning Signals

    Like we always say, children develop and grow at their own pace, so don't worry too much if your child hasn't reached all of these milestones by the age of 7.

    However, you should notice gradual progression as they get closer to 7 years, and if you don't - there may be possible developmental delays. If this is the case, please seek advice from your child's doctor.

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