Can I have my change please? | Page 2 |

Can I have my change please?

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Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 23:13
Nimonemo, I lived in a country in Europe where you couldn’t take your shopping if you haven’t have enough money and I am talking about 1 or 2 Cents. If its peanuts here the shops should round down for the customers and not up for them and I always ask for MY money back.
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 23:10
On a different note. What do the shopkeepers do with this so called unexpected profit. They certainly do not donate it to charity as maybe they should stating is has come from customers and not passing it off as their charity donation. In this forum I usually read threads about maids, hairdressers, pedicures, weekends away in expensive resorts and so on. That is why I am astonished about the pennies thing. Sorry I did not want to dismiss anybody, it is just to show my surprise. I still think that if we are here having a reasonably good expat live we cannot really compare with anybody coming from a developing country. But this is just my opinion. I cannot afford a flat in Scotland nor Spain at the moment but I feel that I am incredibly lucky that I can choose to be here and I really feel that I am a millionaire in comparison with the majority of the people in the world. Supermarkets will still make their money by raising the prices 0.08GBP so I still do not see the point. However, I did not esnt to sound rude so I apologise. Good night!
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 23:10
In this forum I usually read threads about maids, hairdressers, pedicures, weekends away in expensive resorts and so on. LOL.
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 23:07
In this forum I usually read threads about maids, hairdressers, pedicures, weekends away in expensive resorts and so on. That is why I am astonished about the pennies thing. Sorry I did not want to dismiss anybody, it is just to show my surprise. I still think that if we are here having a reasonably good expat live we cannot really compare with anybody coming from a developing country. But this is just my opinion. I cannot afford a flat in Scotland nor Spain at the moment but I feel that I am incredibly lucky that I can choose to be here and I really feel that I am a millionaire in comparison with the majority of the people in the world. Supermarkets will still make their money by raising the prices 0.08GBP so I still do not see the point. However, I did not want to sound rude so I apologise. Good night! <em>edited by Nimonemo on 11/04/2011</em>
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 23:07
How many people check their bills and spot the mistakes over charging and then go back and request it to be corrected ? A lot of profit is made also in that area. and yet people were defending in a different thread last week bag packers were a benefit we don't pay for. How naive people are or maybe have too much money! Stores are all about profit profit profit not good customer care in this region. <em>edited by jewelsmiddle on 11/04/2011</em>
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 23:05
Sue I dont think it was 'unkind' as much as a little dig, certainly not more than what Nimeno has dished out on this thread, its quite dismissive to say "you've got to be kidding' when we are clearly serious about the topic. In any case it was a joke. It just goes to show how others will try to embarrass you into losing your change to some suit sitting behind a big fat desk, he can do without my ten fils! I dont regularly shop at Spinneys, I couldnt afford it, and nowhere in Dubai can you shop at one single place for all your needs. I have sometimes, ended up spending crazy amounts on fruit (like the aforementioned strawberries) for my DD, simply because I'd rather pay more for healthy alternatives rather than spend less on chips/cookies/cakes. But thats another thread. It certainly doesnt mean I am a millionaire. What irks me is that the store obviously takes the consumer to be a big mug. sorry but i stand by the rest of my post - i'm not aware of being significantly short-changed and i do know that there's been times when they've asked me for odds and i've shown my (coin) empty purse so they've just shrugged and not bothered... swings and roundabouts imo just like the prices - some things are dearer here but loads more things are laughably cheap.. as a complete irrelevance - nearly died at seeing 79 p for a pack of polos at the airport ffs....
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 23:00
Sue I dont think it was 'unkind' as much as a little dig, certainly not more than what Nimeno has dished out on this thread, its quite dismissive to say "you've got to be kidding' when we are clearly serious about the topic. In any case it was a joke. It just goes to show how others will try to embarrass you into losing your change to some suit sitting behind a big fat desk, he can do without my ten fils! I dont regularly shop at Spinneys, I couldnt afford it, and nowhere in Dubai can you shop at one single place for all your needs. I have sometimes, ended up spending crazy amounts on fruit (like the aforementioned strawberries) for my DD, simply because I'd rather pay more for healthy alternatives rather than spend less on chips/cookies/cakes. But thats another thread. It certainly doesnt mean I am a millionaire. What irks me is that the store obviously takes the consumer to be a big mug.
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:57
To be honest, in all the years I have lived here I have found that it does swing in roundabouts. When it's closer to 10/15 fils it is rounded down and vis a versa. this has been the case in all supermarkets that i've shopped in, so never felt the need to make an issue of it. Safestway always used to offer the small change, but to be honest i would rather have it rounded up or down as the small coins are really small. I've found the shops here rarely round up or down as they would at home, it always seems to be me that's shortchanged. If it was rounded down or up people would not mind as it would even out in the end. Of all the supermarkets, I find C4 is the only one that makes an effort to give the correct change. Le Marche never does. I'd love to have been a fly on the wall when Shaks was paying with gum:-) Wouldn't it be funny if we all decided to pay with gum or sweets on a given afternoon or morning, the shops would not know what hit them.
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:55
As for the idea that everyone has different stories and some need it more than others, I'm sorry, but it doesn't hold much water for me. The scale is different, but our plights are often similar. Even being here, DH and I don't have the money to buy our own house in the UK - we're saving for it too, just like the low-paid chaps who're sending their money home. You are not talking serious here. No, I am. I can't afford to buy a house in my home country and wouldn't even be able to contemplate it had we not come over here to earn more than we could in the UK... just the same as all the labourers, shop assistants and other migrant workers here. Everything's relative. My brother can't afford to go to the dentist... my uncle died because of a stroke caused by the fact he couldn't afford blood pressure medication. They don't live in developing countries, nor are they considered poor. All things are relative.
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:54
As for the idea that everyone has different stories and some need it more than others, I'm sorry, but it doesn't hold much water for me. The scale is different, but our plights are often similar. Even being here, DH and I don't have the money to buy our own house in the UK - we're saving for it too, just like the low-paid chaps who're sending their money home. You are not talking serious here. Edited to add: 50AED Spanish strawberries are a luxury to many. And you can't be serious!!! <em>edited by Crystil on 11/04/2011</em>
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:53
BTW I think Nimeno must be a millionaire. I am thinking of asking her to come along when I take my grocery list to Spinneys. If she doesnt care about her money, maybe she can share her pennies with me! AND ME! :) If you live in Dubai and shop in Spinneys and you think you are not a millionaire you are mental and do not realise how lucky you are. Ok, if shops are getting the pennies I understand your point, bu who cares when you are paying AED50 for Spanish strawberries, seriourly, I do not understand your point at all! Thats the point, I don't shop in Spinneys and would certainly not pay dhs50 for strawberries and the supermarkets are getting the pennies
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:51
BTW I think Nimeno must be a millionaire. I am thinking of asking her to come along when I take my grocery list to Spinneys. If she doesnt care about her money, maybe she can share her pennies with me! AND ME! :) If you live in Dubai and shop in Spinneys and you think you are not a millionaire you are mental and do not realise how lucky you are. Ok, if shops are getting the pennies I understand your point, bu who cares when you are paying AED50 for Spanish strawberries, seriourly, I do not understand your point at all!
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:48
BTW I think Nimeno must be a millionaire. I am thinking of asking her to come along when I take my grocery list to Spinneys. If she doesnt care about her money, maybe she can share her pennies with me! that's a bit unkind... personally i'm not yet aufait enough with the money to know whether i'm not getting the right change (as in the odd fils), and have never yet been offered any kind of alternative to money... every person that has served me so far has been courteous and polite and when asked for odds i hold my purse open to show what i have and they take what they need...
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:46
Does no-one else remember being automatically, regularly, given sweets for change in Greece and Italy before the Euro?
Anonymous (not verified)
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:43
To be honest, in all the years I have lived here I have found that it does swing in roundabouts. When it's closer to 10/15 fils it is rounded down and vis a versa. this has been the case in all supermarkets that i've shopped in, so never felt the need to make an issue of it. Safestway always used to offer the small change, but to be honest i would rather have it rounded up or down as the small coins are really small.
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:41
BTW I think Nimeno must be a millionaire. I am thinking of asking her to come along when I take my grocery list to Spinneys. If she doesnt care about her money, maybe she can share her pennies with me! AND ME! :)
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:40
BTW I think Nimeno must be a millionaire. I am thinking of asking her to come along when I take my grocery list to Spinneys. If she doesnt care about her money, maybe she can share her pennies with me!
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:38
If it was really peanuts, why doesnt it work the OTHER way, and why cant you shortchange the supermarket? But no, they will insist on the exact amount or more, and then offer you a boiled sweet if they run short! I also think the lack of small change is a sign of something bigger emerging as a conscious decision on the part of stores/supermarkets. When you read the report I mentioned earlier, (in Gulf News) you can see what big money it translates into for the stores. I dont mind helping/tipping service staff and I regularly do, but I hate lining the pockets of fat cats.
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:34
As for the idea that everyone has different stories and some need it more than others, I'm sorry, but it doesn't hold much water for me. The scale is different, but our plights are often similar. Even being here, DH and I don't have the money to buy our own house in the UK - we're saving for it too, just like the low-paid chaps who're sending their money home. You are not talking serious here.
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:28
As a matter of principle, I refuse to be short-changed. If the supermarkets cannot give the exact change, I ask, and usually receive, more. If these "peanuts" would be to top up personnel's (such as porters, cashiers, helpers) meagre salaries, I would not mind. The supermarket, however, charges me not too little percentages of profit for their goods - and and top of it all I should subsidize this?
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:25
It does not bother me at all. I think there are much more important things. Actually I usually leave the change (AED5-10-20) to the "nicest"person is attending me.... I do not understand your post, even if as you say "over the years adds up quite a large amount" I am sure the guy in the florist shop need it more than me. I think you are missing the point. It is called stealing and it should be left up to the individual person whether they want to leave people a tip or not wasn't there that bank clerk who kept the rounded off fractions of pennies/ cents that happen when the interest is added up and gone done for fraud... to the tune of millions of dollars. He'd been collecting them from every account over a number of years. Anyhow, I've started giving my own change... so if shopping comes to 2.35, I'll give 2.25, or 2.80, I'll give 2.75... it just makes sure the assistant doesn't need to do the difficult maths of rounding up. The number of times I've had a total of -.80 and not got any change back is mad. As for the idea that everyone has different stories and some need it more than others, I'm sorry, but it doesn't hold much water for me. The scale is different, but our plights are often similar. Even being here, DH and I don't have the money to buy our own house in the UK - we're saving for it too, just like the low-paid chaps who're sending their money home.
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:17
It's more about the principle. It's about people assuming it's OK not to give you what is rightfully yours. @ Nimo: please have a read. All those "pennies" add up. [i'>With an estimated total of between 500,000 to 800,000 households in the UAE, the gross money lost by customers in the process is between Dh5 and 8 million, which works out between Dh50-Dh100 million per year.[/i'> Full article:
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:12
I hate too. Years ago I decided to make a point: at a supermarket I always got 1 chewing gum for 25 fils, so I kept them in my handbag until I had 4 gums and used them in the shop for 1 dhs. What a story, the cashier refused to accept these so we got the GM who had no option but accept and I think they got my point. I must admit customers thought I was mad. *LIKE*
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:10
I hate too. Years ago I decided to make a point: at a supermarket I always got 1 chewing gum for 25 fils, so I kept them in my handbag until I had 4 gums and used them in the shop for 1 dhs. What a story, the cashier refused to accept these so we got the GM who had no option but accept and I think they got my point. I must admit customers thought I was mad. Brilliant :) I might try that
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:08
I hate too. Years ago I decided to make a point: at a supermarket I always got 1 chewing gum for 25 fils, so I kept them in my handbag until I had 4 gums and used them in the shop for 1 dhs. What a story, the cashier refused to accept these so we got the GM who had no option but accept and I think they got my point. I must admit customers thought I was mad.
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:06
20 fils is GBP 0.03, 5 fils is GBP 0.008. This is a joke, right?
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:05
It does not bother me at all. I think there are much more important things. Actually I usually leave the change (AED5-10-20) to the "nicest"person is attending me.... I do not understand your post, even if as you say "over the years adds up quite a large amount" I am sure the guy in the florist shop need it more than me. I think you are missing the point. It is called stealing and it should be left up to the individual person whether they want to leave people a tip or not No, I think you are missing the point totally. It is not stealing at all! The salaries differences in this country are huge and there are a lot of people far from their childen and wives-husbands. Of course they are going to try to get even the samllest penny to send it back home. I earn too much money to be bothered about this, seriously, you must be kidding. Well very happy for you that you are earning alot of money. Unfortunately not all of us are and some of us need all the pennies too
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:04
It does not bother me at all. I think there are much more important things. Actually I usually leave the change (AED5-10-20) to the "nicest"person is attending me.... I do not understand your post, even if as you say "over the years adds up quite a large amount" I am sure the guy in the florist shop need it more than me. You are a very generous person. AED 5-10-20!!! Regardless of the amount, it doesn't go to the cashier, it goes into the pockets of the owners. I am not generous, I am aware how lucky I am. My tips go to the person, the pennies I don´t even mind.
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:03
It does not bother me at all. I think there are much more important things. Actually I usually leave the change (AED5-10-20) to the "nicest"person is attending me.... I do not understand your post, even if as you say "over the years adds up quite a large amount" I am sure the guy in the florist shop need it more than me. You are a very generous person. AED 5-10-20!!! That must be a tip. And I like to be the one to determine the tip, not the person who would be at the receiving end. I'm talking about the 5-10-20 FILS. Regardless of the amount, it doesn't go to the cashier, it goes into the pockets of the owners. <em>edited by Crystil on 11/04/2011</em>
Latest post on 11 April 2011 - 22:03
It does not bother me at all. I think there are much more important things. Actually I usually leave the change (AED5-10-20) to the "nicest"person is attending me.... I do not understand your post, even if as you say "over the years adds up quite a large amount" I am sure the guy in the florist shop need it more than me. I think you are missing the point. It is called stealing and it should be left up to the individual person whether they want to leave people a tip or not No, I think you are missing the point totally. It is not stealing at all! The salaries differences in this country are huge and there are a lot of people far from their childen and wives-husbands. Of course they are going to try to get even the samllest penny to send it back home. I earn too much money to be bothered about this, seriously, you must be kidding.